New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review

Here is todays update for my Berry Ryder..........Shes started to speed up her ascent a often you guys think i should water her and feed her..........any suggestions?????
Shes only had one little shot of grow juice early on to help her along .......where my others werent lookin like what i thought they should (judging by other ppls grows ) i figured it couldnt hurt to much.......and maybe helped her.......shes sped up some i personally think so mayybe nows a good time to nute her again and once weekly from here on out at the least........anyone think that isnt a good idea??????
I just made my final seed order for a while
I got
4 hubba bubba smelloscopes by Mephisto Genetics
2 cream carmels
2 momos
2 game overs
2 fastberrys
And then theyre sendin 2 freebies
Ones a blimburn tanie or sumthin if i remember right
And the other is a fem photo....forgot what name
Its a blimburn as well
Ordered from TSSC as always........
So i cant wait to get them in........that should hold me for a year and a half or so w my stock i have in my fridge
Wanted to be sure id be ok for a while so i invested heavily in seeds.......all the fruity and candy stuff i could get my hands on.......i bought a few of every variety and strain that i wanted over the next year at the very least......i only keep a couple plants at any given time anyhow so these should last me.......
And good to great equip......

Heres todays update on the Berry Ryder :

Shes coming on nicely mate. I get carried away ordering seeds i think ive got somewhere between 80-100 at the minute. Have never seen momos or game overs grown out before
Yea i hear ya just afraid that theyre gonna catch on to the stealth stuff and put a stop to im in a nonlegal state in the US right now i just wanted to get as many awesome fruity and sweet and awesomely colorful strains i could while i could........i think imma herm a berry ryder and make some feminized seeds........instead of ordering imma try my hand at producing a few seeds over winter this year i think
Id like to come up w a nice lookin candy or maybe stuble upon an amazing all about the learning w these things bro......they literally amaze me every day........growing is just as much fun for me as the smoking personally...
Thanks @hardon
App the extra eyes for sure man

I see u have a west coast og goin........ill be iver to check that bad mamma jamma out as well.......
Thanks again
Happy Growing.......
Here is this mornings pics of the latest and greatest
Thanks everyone......shes developing awfully quick now......just no height really so far......stayin bushy thats for sure........