Indoor Auto Purple Amnesia Testers Run Medic Grower

We have a lil Head sticking out!!! but still a seedshell around it so i give em till the evening before i update some pics ;)
Nice man!!

This will be good one two watch.

Im waiting on my ladies to poke there heads through maybe today or tomorrow lol
AFN say hello to Lil Purple Amnesia Auto.... Pics are from Yesterday evening this Morning she showed already the fist set of Leafes...... Decided to pot her up in 11 Liter Coco not the 6 Liter Pod thought this would be a better idea Yieldwise n Growwise anyways..... CM140815-21453404.jpg CM140815-21454305.jpg

Btw from Now on its the Weekly Update so every Saturday there will be massive News and Pics from the Auto Purple Amnesia.
I'm a proud father of 4 little baby girls so I will be starting a journal sometime today
Ok i know its not Saturday but its Update Time :D First of all the lil one is Chilling 12 hrs under 400w Hps and 12 Hrs under 200w cfl 180w Led.
Growlog for the Auto Purple Amnesia: Day 1 Broke the Soil and i saw the First set of Leafes till the Evening.
Day 2 The first set of Leafes developed Nicely(Sry due to work no pics of Day 2)
Day 3 Lil One got first Watering with 2ml More Roots 2ml Humid Acid
Day 4 2nd Set of Leafes shows up.
Day 5 2nd Set developes nicely.
Day 6 Still 2nd Set growing.
Day 7 Now things start to move Lil one is growing faster.
Day 8 Today A nice lil Healthy Purple Amnesia Auto with Rapid growth.

And here we go with the Pics of the lil Auto Purple Amnesia...... Day 1 15.8. (1).jpg Day 1 15.8. (2).jpg Day 3 17.8 (1).jpg Day 3 17.8 (2).jpg Day 4 18.8.jpgDay 5 19.8 (1).jpg Day 5 19.8 (1).jpg Day 6 20.8.jpg Day 7 21.8.jpg Day 8 22.8.jpg Day 8 22.8 (2).jpg
Looking good Medic she's just a tad bigger than mine.
Not a Picture Update today as it comes again on Friday but i just wanted to say ouuuwww the Lil one is Taking off atm and starts with a rapid Growth. I was couching the whole weekend cause i have catched a lil Cold and had no time to shoot some Pics from Day 9 and 10 but Day 11 it has already some Fingered Leafes and today Day 12 we are at the 4 th Node which is coming out. :( the Baby soon gonna be a big Girl and Daddy has to kick out her Boyfriends if i dont like em :D :D :D Jokes im curios how she will stretch when preflowering starts.
Ok everybodys coming up with the Auto Purple Amnesia Updates Today so here we go.... Like i wrote sadly no Pics from day 9 and 10 but a Massive Shots from Day 11-14 which is Today. Massive change on the Lil one which is growing Rapidly and u see some new stuff on her everyday :D Really Strong Genetic so far.

Growlog: Day 9: Some growth started at the Branches of Node 1 and 2
Day 10: First Branches are Visible
Day 11: Rapid growth starts
Day 12: Growth at the Nodes starts rapidly
Day 13: Fed her first Time with Powder Feed Indicas quater Dosis as adviced for growth on coco and 2 ml/l Root Juice
Day 14: Nice Growth again over Night now she really starts to catch up.

So here we go with the Pictures from Day 11-14 with some nice Close Ups ...played a bit with the Cam...... Btw i always Shoot like 20-30 Pics per Day and select the best looking ones.....

Day 11 25.8.jpg Day 12 2 (2).jpgDay 12 2 (4).jpgDay 12 2 (5).jpgDay 12 2 (6).jpgDay 12 2 (8).jpgDay 12 2 (9).jpgDay 12 2 (10).jpgDay 12 26.8 (1).jpgDay13 27.8 (8).jpgDay13 27.8 (7).jpgDay13 27.8 (6).jpgDay13 27.8 (5).jpgDay13 27.8 (9).jpgDay 14 28.8 (4).jpgDay 14 28.8 (3).jpgDay 14 28.8 (2).jpgDay 14 28.8 (1).jpgDay 14 28.8 (5).jpgDay 14 28.8 (6).jpgDay 14 28.8 (7).jpgDay 14 28.8 (8).jpg
Super healthy there Medi bro! You have a good eye with the camera too, lovely pictures. :)

:karma Cloud:
So much growth going on i think ill down the update Timeframe from a week to every 2 Days..... so here we go....

Growlog: Day 15 The Banches start off really good now.
Day 16 We are at a Node per Day gowth Speed

And here the Pics only 3 from Day 15 as i had a hard Day at Work yesterday but Day 16 is a Massive update with Closeups ect ect. Day 15 29.8 (1).jpgDay 15 29.8 (2).jpgDay 15 29.8 (3).jpgDay 15 29.8 (4).jpgDay 16 30.8 (1).jpgDay 16 30.8 (2).jpgDay 16 30.8 (3).jpgDay 16 30.8 (4).jpgDay 16 30.8 (5).jpgDay 16 30.8 (8).jpgDay 16 30.8 (7).jpgDay 16 30.8 (6).jpgDay 16 30.8 (9).jpgDay 16 30.8 (12).jpgDay 16 30.8 (11).jpgDay 16 30.8 (10).jpgDay 16 30.8 (13).jpgDay 16 30.8 (18).jpgDay 16 30.8 (19).jpgDay 16 30.8 (20).jpg