Indoor Auto Pots, Blueberry Domina, and Hubbabubbasmelloscope!

Girlscout cookies pic3 -5-8-2016.JPG
Woooooooooo!! Going to have me some Girlscout Cookies bud! Checked the trichs a few minutes ago and I'm seeing a few ambers so its chop day! AND my house is already stinking to high heaven from the Critical x Dragon's blood I chopped a few days ago.....and the Stone Dragon's added her funk..Whew! Luckily, the GSC seems to be a fairly mild smell. Sort of a fruity and almost faded skunk odor..

The plant is gorgeous! Color of the leaves is very different, a pale aqua, more to the pale blue than green! And the buds....omg! I love just looking at the girl!
Buds are rock hard too! This is my second grow of a strain from Fast Buds and they sure have a winner here!

last pics!

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GSC pic2 -5-11-2016.JPG
GSC pic3 -5-11-2016.JPG
GSC pic4 -5-11-2016.JPG
Yes, when I took it out of the tent I got a couple pics. Will post soon.

and what a pain in the ass to trim! Lot and lots of small buds. But even most of the popcorn sized buds were hard! almost no fluff.
And STICKY! The stickiest, most resin covered plant I've had ever! Even the stalks are sticky! Many of the leaves, even some fan leaves had trich ON THE BOTTOMS!
Trim is going to make some killer oil! In fact, I may dry it and sift it for has!

Looking good, Pop! Can you get a whole plant photo? I'm curious as to how large she is.

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Yes, when I took it out of the tent I got a couple pics. Will post soon.

and what a pain in the ass to trim! Lot and lots of small buds. But even most of the popcorn sized buds were hard! almost no fluff.
And STICKY! The stickiest, most resin covered plant I've had ever! Even the stalks are sticky! Many of the leaves, even some fan leaves had trich ON THE BOTTOMS!
Trim is going to make some killer oil! In fact, I may dry it and sift it for has!
Awesome! This excites me since I'm running 4 of these girls, all on day 10 now.
I've grown maybe 50-60 strains. Not much impresses me anymore. This girl is impressive! She was 24" tall and about 30" wide. I'm guessing about 100 grams when she's dry.

Awesome! This excites me since I'm running 4 of these girls, all on day 10 now.
Is that picture basically the, "death row, last request"? lol It's like you're giving her one last shot of light before the axe!!!

As always, phenomenal job pop!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited to hear about the final weight.. I keep seeing people growing this strain, but I've never actually consumed any of it before, so I've been reluctant to order seeds.. Are you going to try this in a hydro/kratky method ever?? I bet you'd still get some stellar results!!!!