Auto only commercial grow?

An ounce per sq ft would be just ok.
An ounce a sqft would actually be horrible! We all do better than that in 2x2 tents.. I grow in a 3x3 and when I max it out with clones and scrog, I'm disappoint in 1.5 lbs.. That's almost 3 oz per sqft.. Commercial is big business.. Big spaces, with state of the art automated watering tech, remote controlled grow shelves.. Best lights and ventilation etc.. The answer is more like, however many pounds it takes to cover the entire cost of the operation and pocket a few percentage points.
Proph is right... if I only got 16 oz out of a run in a 4x4 that would be a huge disappointment. I just had one of those runs too... barely enough weed to get thru to the end of the next run. The days of naming your house after the strain that paid for it are over.
The money to be made will be done by those selling the picks and shovels to the gold miners... rarely does a gold miner strike it rich. Same for us now the glory days of being a grower are long gone. Now expect to be a farmer, at farmers wages.