Live Stoners Auto Newbie UK

Welcome to the network bud! Sounds like you have a pretty nice setup. You are defiantly in the right place to get a feel for autos. I live in Florida, so the cold has never been an issue, lol it almost sounds like a blessing. But, yeah.... If you are already spending that money on simply heat, why not turn it in to stash. I like that approach. Have fun, and take care.

Florida, nice! i am planning on a holiday out your next Christmas as some friends of mine have just bought a holiday home out and have said we can use it whenever.. whoop whoop... only problem being i have a police record so may not be welcome into the USA, i will try and see what happens though.. haha... Thanks for the welcome Brother
am struggling to get temps up 25 C even with 6400w! it is 4 c here atm and my fans are running on the lowest setting on the step controller, the RVks on my cooled hoods are turned off!
Welcome to AFN, Diddy! :toke:
Wow, that's some serious light! :cools: Be sure to use a good sunscreen while you're tending the garden! :rofl:
As you poke around, you'll see a lot of growers opting for 20/4 light cycles, or even 18/6. However you go, that's gonna be an impressive room.
Happy Growing!
BTW, a great tool is the search button in the upper right corner. Type in a keyword and away you go!

Cheers Redneck! i'm gonna be a busy man looking through everyones grow diary's, i am pretty thorough on my research.. be warned, stalker alert.. lol
Just another quick heads up - if you're compeletly new to Autos, you'll need to dilute that early nute mix a bit - Autos are more sensetive to nutes than photos and don't get a recovery period if you go in too strong.

TaNg has done a few really good feeding schedule guides that might be worth following before making your own nute line up - one of them is an economy schedule (without the crazy boosters and sugar enhancers lol and sumoslaps) that gets terrific results.

Worth a try to get your eye in maybe :D

Thanks for the advice Blue, tbh i never really feed much above 1.2 EC.. i feed to the plants needs by constantly checking "run off" for example.. if i am feeding at 1.4 EC and "run off" is 1.2 i know they are feeding at the right rate.. if the EC of the "run off" is higher than it is in my res i know they leaving the food on the plate, so to speak, which will lead to salt build up in the medium.. i have found most photoperiod strains optimum is around 1.2-1.4 EC... i know USA growers use ppm so this may not make much sense.. the base EC of water .04 here.
Welcome Diddy, looks like you will be creating some monster auto's soon. Another hint if you haven't found it yet is that most folks will link there grows down in there signature (bottom left of the post box). I have spent hours going through a members grow just by clicking the grow links in there signature. And I stalk @TaNg all the time.....I think he's use to it.
Have fun brother and I look forward to your journals and input...:welcome:
The Don of the Diddy's,

what kept you. We have been waiting.....glad you made it to the AF side of life, you will love it here. I just know it. Please do keep a diary or a journal as we call it. We can help when required and there is always Live 24hrs Help for emergencies. But, I think you will do just fine.
Keep in touch chum, eP. oh, and Welcome !
The Don of the Diddy's,

what kept you. We have been waiting.....glad you made it to the AF side of life, you will love it here. I just know it. Please do keep a diary or a journal as we call it. We can help when required and there is always Live 24hrs Help for emergencies. But, I think you will do just fine.
Keep in touch chum, eP. oh, and Welcome !

If i had known it possible to grow Monster Auto's i would have been here much earlier! Amazing what you can learn in just one day by nosing around the forum! Great job mods!
Hay bro welcome.

Trust @blue to give you a link to my worst grow on AFN lol.

You have joined the Auto gang at the right time bro they're a match for photos now,Mephistos White Triangle (just been dabbing some lol) has just been tested at 25% THC.

Here's a few vids of modern autos if you want noisie...

Cheers for the welcome and link to vids TaNg! i am a lil confused tho.. Are you using 3 time 7w LED through the whole grow on the first vid? seems a lot of plant for 225w! :)