Grow Room New Room Build, and newbie asking for help

I have acquired a 1k watt HPS light and I am now just getting a location to put it. For a room I am putting up a wooden fox frame to hold up construction plastic and using aluminum foil as a reflecting surface. My apartment is poorly insulated I am fine with that but the plant wont be, so maybe I can win some growroom heat while trying to cool it down. I am going out of town for a month to see the inlaws so I have time to plan.

Some goal I am wanting to accomplish are
-Cleaning. I have cleaned my fans and shit and vacuumed but I have been lacking
-Irrigation. While I am out of town I would rather a more plug and play setup for my plant sitter
-Learning. I spent some time on other hobby forums and one of the best things I found is to read till your eyes bleed, as they say.
-Stock up. Up to this point I think I have enough to grow but rabbit holes and all

I had to switch to photos for the time being so I am going to try and make notice of my many mistakes

One question. I am wanting to aerate my water and make compost tea. Will this pump spray setup do the job? In beer brewing once the beer is brewed we avoid splashing the wort because it can allow enough oxygen for a unwanted bacteria or fungus to take over before the yeast can properly establish. I will also mention we will aerate sugar washes to help the yeast establish and bloom before running out of oxygen and attacking sugar. The difference is wort will be made into beer or whiskey which bacteria's can change the profile of both products, sugar washes are made into nearly pure ethanol usually for gins. :)
Tldr will splashing on the bucket wall cause enough aeration to brew tea and aerate water
