New Grower Auto extreme. Dutch Passion

The funny thing was, she was with my ex wife when it happened.

So me and Itisher refer to ourselves as Nanny-grandad-we-haven't-broken-one-yet.

They're twin girls so I told my daughter that her mother had deliberately broken her leg so she could tell them apart! [emoji48]

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You ARE an evil beast! [emoji12]

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Smoke report.

They've had a couple of weeks in the jar, so have cured enough for a decent report.

Popping the jar releases an odour reminiscent of a classic haze. A slightly spiced, herbal aroma.
That continues when you inhale a whole bud up close.
In the grinder is a different story, she explodes with a sweet fruitiness, somewhere between apricot and parma violets. It really is a beautiful smelling bud.
I asked friends to describe the smell and got the following, 'nice' 'like that perfume hippies wear,with a bit of b.o.' 'some sort of manky foreign fruit' 'you didn't grow that, you c@*t'. Fat lot of use they were!

When vaped it carries the sweetness and fruity tones over. Smoked, it tastes like burnt stuff (why do you people still do that?), but pleasant enough.

Sativa, sativa, sativa. Chuff away and go about your day. It's grinny, giggle gear. Creeps up.After an extensive session it will floor you. But this is a day time smoke.

The upper buds were mid density, the lowers (cfl lit) a bit more airy. The leaf/calyx ratio leaned way towards leaf, it was all sugary and tastes smooth, so no issues with that. Fairly resinous considering the sativa domination, get a nice bit of grinder hash.

To grow I found them a bit fussy, all 3 wanting different feed levels.

All in all, I'd grow it again.



Trouble is, when I'm on call and have to carry it everywhere as well as my own phone, people think I'm a drug dealer!

That's my well smart phone.

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Yeah, I have the same problem mate except my work phone cost about £50 more than yours.. Tight bastards! [emoji23][emoji23]

I'd hang on to that one 2 one house brick, it might be worth a few bob to a museum soon!

Bud looks nice btw.. [emoji6][emoji1360]