New Grower Auto extreme. Dutch Passion

Mars 300s or mars 2 400. I'm using the 300, u can get 2 for the price of one 400.
It's what I did! Hope it's not too late, but I think it's still early enough. In the first half of second flowering week and lights should be here by Wednesday. Glad I got the tip in time!

Thanks for all the help, everyone! :)

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Yes, once I started looking at your older photos, I realized you hadn't done that. How long did it stay flowering for? The buds just look amazing, very impressive! :)

I'm on my very first growing experience and I just have Madonna's Like A Virgin playing over and over on my mind! My girls are on the second week of flowering, posting them here for you. The second one is a survivor, I broke the first budding branch off trying to bend it. Glad it was able to somewhat recover, but I'm sure it killed the yield... At least the broken part is still alive, so I may get a little bud out of that.

The first one is a free Auto Lemon Skunk I got, and the broken one is called Auto Speed.





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Now you're asking!

Started the pips 3rd week of jan, they showed sex within 3 weeks. So probably about 9 weeks.

A bit of support will allow that break to repair, as long as it didnt physically snap it will be OK. It's actually a growing technique called super cropping.

Thanks for looking in, I'll check out your journal.
The wet total is...........50 and a bit oz.

There was a bit of foxtailing on the lower buds which made trimming a joy!

I've got a fair amount of trim to wash up into oil, I don't normally bother with the trim but this had some frosty leafage.

Thanks for those who made this entertaining.
Fookin four hours? I'd crack the whip and get the missus to help. There's plenty there tho eh?

You should be done by dinner time! [emoji38]✂️✂️

She bagged it all up, wouldn't let edwina scissor hands near the stash!

Yeah, the one I kept healthy was a giver alright. 13-14oz seems to be my limit in this set up, but I'm happy enough with that.