SSSC Auto Creeper Communal thread

You're up!! :D I'm up too ..... but not looking great!
2 little cotelodeyononeons up .. but looking very weak and a bit burned! (I "wonder" how that could have possibly happened!) .. I'm sticking with it for a day or 2 .... but new (biobiz lighmix) soil on the way and popping one in the germination station for hopefully a friday drop!

I'm always looking for ways to make things easier for myself ... but the lesson is, using unfamiliar soil is not the way!! ^_^

Strike 1 ... 2 to go! ^_^
AAHH Gutted! :face:

Still though, you live and learn. You might have stumbled across a genius soil mix, you never know until you try

I kinda tried the same thing last year, outdoor. Potted on a HubbaBubbaHaze, didn't have enough light mix, thought I could wing it and just use some garden compost mixed in......meh. She was sick the whole time, slow, she just wasn't happy :frowny:
Auto Creeper
Day 2

So far so good :joy: I can only hope this Corona shit show is done before she is, highly doubtful, but fingers crossed :bow:

Still, onwards and upwards, stay safe grow bro's an gal's :hookah:
You're up!! :D I'm up too ..... but not looking great!
2 little cotelodeyononeons up .. but looking very weak and a bit burned! (I "wonder" how that could have possibly happened!) .. I'm sticking with it for a day or 2 .... but new (biobiz lighmix) soil on the way and popping one in the germination station for hopefully a friday drop!

I'm always looking for ways to make things easier for myself ... but the lesson is, using unfamiliar soil is not the way!! ^_^

Strike 1 ... 2 to go! ^_^
:eek1: nooooohhhhhh! :hothot: :rofl:... that's like, $100 worth of seeds clinging to life? :haha: .... BB Light for the win- :baby::goodluck:
Day 7. Really short and squat, nothing else to note really, looks on track so far

something big must be taking place in the pot. She's had her 1st water today, normally I could string that out another 2 maybe even 3 days for the 1st watering after germ, so she is drinking
Day 7
Growing under Mars Hydro TSW 2000 in Coco/Pebble mix using GHE Flora Trio :thumbsup: Gave her a folia feed last night of Micro Mite seaweed concentrate and I'm gonna start her on a low nute feed from tomorrow :toke: