SSSC Auto Creeper Communal thread

Another month I think, what do you guys reckon?

View attachment 1218651
:greenthumb:lookin' much better H&D! for time, weeelllll :rofl:- I'd say 7-ish weeks! ... My OD girl is done at 12+(she could go another week, but I found a wee rot-spot, so down she goes), runty tent girl was 10+... Nobody has finished before week 11, if that?

I am extremely pleased and incredibly shocked with the final result. Dry weight for the Creeper was just over 10oz of good rock solid bud and just over an oz of dreggy airy bottom bits :woohoo: so by far the biggest girl I've ever grown, so far :crying: View attachment 1218652View attachment 1218655View attachment 1218660
:jawdrop: daaAAaamn- :pimp: ... she blew up even more for you mate! ... and those legs are spread - :hump: :rofl: ...10oz+ is a phat haul, SSSC is gonna spank it over this, just like Tom's!
@Waira i finished up with 4.5oz of top shelf bud that is getting better everyday in the jar!
:headbang: another nice haul! This cultivar seems to produce really well for her respective pot size, they pay-off for the long cycle IMO....

Both you guys, please take dry porn shots, and sharpen your nose for an aroma report! Let's see what peep's got, and what some cure time brings later :thumbsup:

Mongol says SSSC has a chubby for AFN testing BTW- :rofl: ... follow through and going the extra mile with pics and reports will keep the Goods flowing our way!
Cheers @Waira glad I could turn it round in front of y'all :gary:


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Day #56 end of week 8
Where has the time gone?
Life in the tent is pretty stable. Although since turning on the UVB light on Wednesday I've seen an increase in RH at the periods its currently set to. Hopefully the girls will adjust quickly or I may have to reduce it right back to 30 mins per day.
:smokeout: Alllllrighty then, this outdoor Creeper auto is dee-diddly-done! I know she looks early, but that was the plan... I'da gone another 2-3 days maybe, but i spotted a small rot-spot the other day, cleared it out and saw that it had dove into the main stem = :cuss:which is assured shit-show from there out... Oh, a fresh batch of caterpillars too -
- so down she went! Her aroma was poppin' nicely, a kinda tangy citrus/light pine, and a little sweet floral hiding in there too...

She did very well outside I have to say! Tight pot, even with a transplant (which she didn't even blink over), ambient light hours (13-ish) with part-day full Sun only... night temp's in the mid 50's... All in all a solid candidate for an outside grown auto- :greenthumb:

>>> final live pics; top 5" of cola taken yesterday to deal with rot spot...
Day #63 end of week 9 already!
Things are looking spectacular in the tent. :drool:
She's not as big as I thought she'd get but boy is she piling on the weight! You can see how PHAT her buds are getting. :woohoo1:
The yellowing of the leaves also shows me she doesn't have long left. I'm just praying she'll hold out another 12 days or so until I get back from work.
I'm really impressed the way she's grown despite my troubles at the start.
Anyway, less talk more porn...