Indoor Auto Assassin grow again!

Thanks for chimming in cookie and the info not shooting you down just letting you know buddy it is a super soil grow so I fear feeding it anything til I forsure see a deficiency. Although ive been told time and time again you don't need to check your ph in organic soil grow I still do and it is a steady 6.7 which is prime for soil.
Well my tent came in this morning and what can I say wow is this thing cool. Kind of a head scratcher on how to get the freaking outside wrapped around the frame til I found the rest of the zipper :D. Temps are at a steady 75 so I think ill wait for the stink to invest in a inline fan with carbon filter and controller. Here is the whole family in one picture I know I need another light next on my list.
Well my tent came in this morning and what can I say wow is this thing cool. Kind of a head scratcher on how to get the freaking outside wrapped around the frame til I found the rest of the zipper :D. Temps are at a steady 75 so I think ill wait for the stink to invest in a inline fan with carbon filter and controller. Here is the whole family in one picture I know I need another light next on my list.
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Thank ya samurai I am really loving it nice to have real circulation and room to move. I am going to get another 100x3 as soon as I have the extra cash to support that jungle ;). I think the ladies are really digging my soil ive seen nothing but positive signs expect that one pesky leaf.
Day 32 She is growing great and fast and loving her home atleast I think. As for me well got a tooth pulled today after 2 weeks of it hurting and smoking all my Assassin from my last grow to relieve the pain. So now im on the street again lol all will be good though hopefully this is the last time I run out.

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