Live Stoners Australian Growers Thread

I love the Neville haze! great smoke for sure. not huge plants but quality.
Red Poison. Not very red. 70cm tall.
Week 7 (49 days):

Week 8 (56 days):

Today, still week 8 (61 days):
@missoss Can you tell me a bit more info --- like do you have a PH pen and a PH soil probe -- what nutrients are you using at the moment --- Outside temp -- and latitude ---
Night time room temp --- how often are you watering -- You have some issues with that plant , The more info you give the better the advice you will get , The senior members here go out of there way to help . With where to get stuff I can help you there , there is not much hiding in this country that I don't where it is , put it down to -- many -- many -- hours searching , :thumbsup:

I'm growing one indica (Sweet Seeds Red Poison) which will be ready for harvest in a few weeks and I've just started a sativa (Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze).

Ooo are you running a journal? Can you link or tag me if you are please. I am very interested in Delicious Seed Neville Haze.(I grow their fruity chronic juice photo and get fantastic results) (sorry posted while I was on page 1) some heavy deficiency there!! I had a look in my book, but hard to say(I think magnesium but such late stage). Have to call in @Waira on this one for sure. The info hecno requested will be invaluable. Has to be something that could be done to slow the deficiency.
:smoking:Hec, 'GS,... :pass:

:toke: G'Day Missoss- yes, nutrient info (brand, dosage, frequency) is needed,..any pH info,... some closer pics of affected leaves too please,... But based on what I see here, this severe of a decline in just a week smacks of badly off pH, which will cause multiple defc. symptoms at the same time (total soil nutrition crash is a possibility too, if you've not feed her anything)... let's see what the better leaf pics tell me first though,.. for sure, there's epic P defc. happening, hitting up high and down low, plus notice how poor flower development is,...
For PH I'm using a digital pen.

Nutes are below. With the nutes I started with 1/4 strength as per the label on the back and raised it to 1/2 strength over three weeks. Nutes were started at 14 days of age.

Outside temperature has been in the mid 20's however the last few days it's been 30 plus. The grow box where the plant is under LEDs for 8-9 hours over night is never lower than 22 or higher than 28. Relative humidity is between 30 and 50. Latitude is 34.9 degrees South (Adelaide). The plant has been watered about once a week, but only when the pot felt light. The water and nutes solution was always balanced to 6.5 ph before watering.

The plant looked nice and green up until day 49 to 52 when the leaves started to yellow. I just thought this was the plant using the energy in the fan leaves to fatten the buds.
Ooo are you running a journal? Can you link or tag me if you are please. I am very interested in Delicious Seed Neville Haze.(I grow their fruity chronic juice photo and get fantastic results) (sorry posted while I was on page 1)
Yes I'd planned to start a grow journal for the Critical Neville Haze.

I'd planned to do a completed post of my Red Poison once it was finished but I've had to scrap that idea and get some help with diagnosing and curing her problem. Hahaha
have you transitioned to fully Bloom nutes now? What's your water source? If tap, do you know it's hardness value (ppm's) from a TDS meter, or an EC value? In-pot pH is what we really need, and since you're using synthetics, they tend to be rather acidic themselves,... where this is going is in order to correct this, we need to determine if you have a simple lack-of defc. happening, or a pH lock-out of nutrients, and P is one that goes pretty fast under overly acidic conditions,... the former is an easy fix: just up the dosage and frequency some.... If the latter, adding more nutes will make matter even worse! here's a link to an improved run-off pH testing and calculation-( ) .... unless you have a quality soil pH probe which tests directly-- always the best way, but only if it's a decent meter, not one of those cheapie skinny-ass probes! (the Accurate 8 is a good model for the $$),... This is why I dislike 3-part systems too, with the Micro carrying most of the micronutrients in it, but also the damn N as well,... it's impossible to make a higher PK balance without risking some other defciency by eliminating the Micro,... To be honest, her bud building is compromised already, but you might as well stay the course anyway!
:smoking:Hec, 'GS,... :pass:

:toke: G'Day Missoss- yes, nutrient info (brand, dosage, frequency) is needed,..any pH info,... some closer pics of affected leaves too please,... But based on what I see here, this severe of a decline in just a week smacks of badly off pH, which will cause multiple defc. symptoms at the same time (total soil nutrition crash is a possibility too, if you've not feed her anything)... let's see what the better leaf pics tell me first though,.. for sure, there's epic P defc. happening, hitting up high and down low, plus notice how poor flower development is,...
Hi @Waira,

Thanks for taking the time to look over my posts.

Here are some closer pics of the leaves:

PH of runoff started at 4.6 on Sunday. I flushed 27 litres of water through the plant and the runoff was 5.5. I didn't add dolomite lime to the soil mix prior to planting. But I have spread one tablespoon of dolomite to the top of each plant and watered through with ph adjusted water to 6.5. I've done the three times now. PH was still 5.1 today.

I'm starting to think that the PH was this low for the entire grow. My new seedling is in the same potting mix that I put the first plant in and the runoff readings have been the same.

I didn't bother checking the ph runoff initially because I just didn't think it was that important. But I've learnt that lesson.