You are going to have bugs mealy worms again. Nonono...Question for all the soil composting experts here! You know who you are...LOL
If i just pour all my old soil with roots stems and all into wide plastic tubs, leave them where they get some direct sun each day, some rain but not much when it rains, will they turn to good compost few months later? If there are any bugs in there, will they survive after few months?
Maybe water occasionally and mix as best i can? There is a bucket with an entire plant i chopped due to bud rot and/or mealy bug infestation. The entire plant is buried under old soil for a couple weeks now.
I plan to reuse these soil with adding some extra worm poop and perlite. So far, no funky smell. Will take pics if it helps.
Never put that bug in your pile.
U must burn that plant and its soil. To make it inert. Only ashes will eliminate that bug.
I would now take my compost pile that bug plant was in and bake it before you use it. @ 140°
for 30 minutes. Or your just going to have bugs again[emoji44][emoji488]