Indoor Australia+Equatorial v the world

Man I don't know how you do it...I'm flat out keeping up with 5/6 plants at once. I have halved my number this time to try and give them the time/attention they need to thrive, as many as you run I'd be pulling my hair out!:coffee2:
Man got my hands full all the time.
Right now 5 in flower three weeks from havest and 12 seedlings almost 4 weeks old and on the go and 1 mother training for flower to flip soon as theres room....[emoji38][emoji21][emoji12]and now I am going to be a plugger LoL

Did she say anything about fungus growing lol?
Man, I'd like to but sadly, the wife made me promise to take a little break. :kissass: I'm finishing up a SLx3B right now, then a breather. :wall: It'd be a BLAST
Here you go!

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Man I don't know how you do it...I'm flat out keeping up with 5/6 plants at once. I have halved my number this time to try and give them the time/attention they need to thrive, as many as you run I'd be pulling my hair out!:coffee2:
I am right now to tell you the truth my big somango that got broke down the middel back 4 weeks ago. One of the straps broke on it that was holding it up
She didn't break but she don't act right about it I don't know. But I ph that water yesterday and all of them look funny today ....the life of a farmer.... I don't know if I did good or bad....
