Ha hell yeah I might not been born yet but in the later 90s it was round here damn good creeper and helped having a hippie type mom that smoked pot like a 60 year old man hot boxes cigs so she always had killer smoke and had ounces so wasn't nothing to grab a hand full and take off playing in the woods or the creek fishing lol I can remember getting it and how it looked still to this day it was skinny long long buds bout as big as your pinky but 10 inches long with bright red and pinkish hairs and smelled like watermelon lol. But smoked it sat down to fish going hmm ok maybe she set me up with something that looked like it well try again and smoked another joint and fished for a half hour n got ready to head home when bam it hits n just sat back down my brother looked n said shit what are we gonna do I can't move n i remember just looking at him n only mumbling sounds no words just mmm bbbbbaaa ttttaaa lol ended up sitting there out of it for hours til she sends our dad looking for us he shows up all mad bout whoop our asses n we were like what we are just fishing n he says really you all been here the whole time n we say yeah why he says we'll get your asses uo n get home now it's midnight what the hell you 2 thinking lmao i I guess time just went by without realizing a single minute so sat there after kicked in for a good 6 hours lol i remember he mentioned it few years back and i laughed my ass off n said well dad to tell ya the truth we was stoned off of some of moms pot n the world forgot about us lol he jsut shook his head n didn't say another word lol