Pop mentioned why fem only..
Well, i don't know if it's a case of what came first the chicken or the egg..
but we are told by our distributor that there's minimal demand for regular seeds, not everyone is like a forum member interested in the plant and growing to the point of wanting to make their own seeds, some people
just want to set and grow commercially where males are redundant, then to the smaller scale growers, if you have a limited space and are growing for bud only do you want to lose plants to them being males.
Maybe some prices are getting out of control from some people.. I haven't checked in a long time, but historically there's always been hyped brands and beans selling for a silly amount.
but if you spend 80 bucks on 7 fems, how much weed can you buy for the same? Of course there's time and cost and risk to grow your own but I'm guessing you can pull way more in value than the original
for us we would like to produce regs, they are easier to make, less space required, less time, way more ease, but if there's no market and we are stuck with stock we can't sell.. It's a waste.
Also in regard to producing seeds in mass selling through any of the distributors, we only make 30% of the retail price, some make even less.
and it's not like that 30% is pure profit, packaging costs, tax, bills etc