Grow Mediums Attempting 2nd Grow for the 4th time :)

How much water is your plant drinking? I usually don't add water until the level is down about a foot, and if I want to adjust the ppm I do with that gallon.
Hi jtrain
I'm not sure how to add to your reservior. I make up a solution in a separate bucket all together and add nutrients then additives all in proportion to how much water I'm replacing. Then ph to a level that will correct my current ph. I can't get hydroguard in Scotland so I'm using cannazyme I put it in every time I top up only the amount stated for the volume getting topped up. Hope this makes sense! Just add a little more nutes to get ppm up do it in small increments like .5 ml and mix and test. If you are not sure have a look about the forum I usually spend a good while reading the stickies before I do anything.
gurgler you must have been answering at the same time I wondered why the screen jumped twice :cool1:
How much water is your plant drinking? I usually don't add water until the level is down about a foot, and if I want to adjust the ppm I do with that gallon.

Hi jtrain
I'm not sure how to add to your reservior. I make up a solution in a separate bucket all together and add nutrients then additives all in proportion to how much water I'm replacing. Then ph to a level that will correct my current ph. I can't get hydroguard in Scotland so I'm using cannazyme I put it in every time I top up only the amount stated for the volume getting topped up. Hope this makes sense! Just add a little more nutes to get ppm up do it in small increments like .5 ml and mix and test. If you are not sure have a look about the forum I usually spend a good while reading the stickies before I do anything.

What I mean is let's say she drank a quarter of a gallon. But my overall ppm dropped 50. Should I remove a gallon from the Rez and make that gallon go from 520 up to 630 by just adding grow formula. Or do I leave my rez alone and get a brand new gallom of ro water and add everything in the proportions up to 630 and then add a half a gallon of that?
  1. Day 19
    Temp High 80 low 66 current 75
    Humidity high 39 low 21. Current 35
    Rez temp 71
    Ph 5.9-6.0. I'll ph down to 5.8 tomorrow
    Ppm down from 580 but holding at 550 from yesterday. Plant has very slight burnt tips so I'm still going to keep the PPM the same right now if it drops a couple more then I'll try upping it if anybody can help me figure out how to do that looks healthy overall everything looks good I guess she's on track
Day 20
Temp 77
Humidity 35
Rez temp 69
PPM 540-550
PH 6.0 downed to 5.8

First problems arising I noticed on the 1st set of leaves(oldest) the start of some brown spots at random. I think this would be calmag but can anyone Verify other then that she still has slight tips discolored but the ppms keep going down so i denno. BUt i wanna nip this is the butt before it becomes a problem. She got 180ppm of calmag about a week ago so is it time to up that?
Again My total ppms were 580 now they are 540. She drank a quarter gallon of mix. Do i mix a new gallon of RO at a higher strength of both grow and calmag and add the whole gallon or do i pull a gallon out of my rez and just add grow and calmag to that? im not sure how to make the mix stronger. OR do i just dump the whole rez and redo it. Again this is the rez breakdown she got on day 16
Complete PPM BREAKDOWN (amounts per gallon) 3 Gallon total
320ppm Nova Grow
180ppm Calimagic
10ppm Hydroguard (2ml)
60ppm Rapidstart (2.5ml
Ph dropped to 4.8 upped to 5.8
10ppm of Diamond Nectar (2ml)
0 ppm Pondzyme (1/4)
Most people do 1/16th teaspoon per gallon which is 0.19 Teaspoon. I did 1/4 for all 3 gallon which is .25 teaspoon for all 3
Total ppm 580-590

Now shes 540ppm what to do
day 20  (1).jpg day 20  (2).jpg day 20  (3).jpg day 20  (4).jpg day 20  (5).jpg
Not sure mate I use ec and litres I usually keep the additives the same and add more nutes if I am trying to bring the level up if your plants are showing signs of calcium def then give them more but no more than recommended on the bottle. If your plants have drank half a gallon then mix half a gallon up and put half what you put in a gallon. I have some brown spots on my older leaves but I put that down to being well out on my ph pen when I first started my grow. If the plant has brown spots or nutes burnt tips they won't repair. I have read that you should pay more attention to new growth. I am new to hydro man so you might be better giving a mod a pm who specialises in hydro.
Looks good to me bro. Watch the new growth like you said and try to keep your ambient temps around 80 to 84 dont go over 85 they kept them at 75 when using hps because they add 10 degrees at the canopy top but im looking forward to seeing the outcome. What light schedule are you running?

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Try leaf tucking to make the bud sights to shoot and wont stunt the plant. You can also run your lights 24/0 its really taking off with autos

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