Thank you I appreciate someone following.It all looks very good my friend. I have had my airline come off a few times also with no harm. The leaves got rather droopy one time but the plant recovered just fine.
At this stage of the plants life, I think they enjoy a good spray down with a foliar feed, when doing a water change I also spray down the roots.
Day 13
Temp average 79
Humidity 30
Ph unknown
Res 74f
PPM's still the same at 400 kind of weird since I've lost about a quarter gallon
[starting ppm from seed. 220 nutes 180 calmag]
So I'm just a little worried I would assume the roots would be bigger and they are getting more brown stuff. Hopefully ItS just nute buildup. I'm still thinking Sunday morning about dumping res doing straight ro with clear res and then a few hours later dumping that and adding a new batch of nutes and hydroguard st 300ppm nutes 200ppm calmag. I see a little bit of yellow on the first set of LeAves not sure why I would be getting that. Like I said ppms haven't dropped since day 1
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