The roots are trying to grow so that is a very good thing. While I understand your OCD regarding the leafs right now you need to focus on getting the roots clean and growing again. If you are dumping the rez again today(Thursday a.m.) this kind of needs to be the last time for now. You have to give the cultures in the Hydroguard time to colonize and consume the dead organic matter in your bucket. This will help get those roots back growing strong but you gotta leave well enough alone or again you can hen peck this plant to death ...your choice. ANY and ALL damage to the leaves is permanent. Rusty cal/mag spotted leaves will ALWAYS stay spotty. Same for the others that look like a Phos. def.....they will always look like that and will not change back to new looking leaves. In the mean time take a look at this picture. It is of my last Cherry Bomb at day 60. Get a good look at it. There is not a pretty leaf on that whole plant, not a single one but guess what's yield was 7.95oz...almost half a freaking pound. A cal/magdef. is not going to kill your plant, it's not going to hurt enough that you would even know it. It is almost impossible to OD on phos. She is right on the front of really getting into bloom(staggering nodes ) and you gotta get her back on track but you have to start at the roots.