Dr.Frankenweed M.U.
Don't be afraid to request free samples from your favorite nutrient company or hydro supply Co. Last year when i first started growing my wife and i would send out sample requests to different companies in our spare time. I got the name of companies from catalogs and hydro magazines. Looked them up online and sent them a polite email. Some were sent to my house and some I had to pick up at my local garden center. In total I received four complete nutrient systems, 11 guano sample packs, 16 compost and soil amendments, 5 bloom boosters, 2 root boosters?, magazine subscriptions, t-shirts, off the wall additives, hats, pens stickers etc. It didn't cost me a dime. Just some time sending polite emails. If you try this and you get a soil sample sent to you, my hats off to you. My only fail. Good luck.