Dinafem Arty's Solo Cups, Random Autos & Fungi

Hi AFNer's

Today Spirit Walker popped her head up, it is a strain I named so I am very happy to include her in my solo cup collection!
I gave spirit Walker a hand and removed her helmet, the cotyledons are so new they are still closed and not showing any green pigment just yet.
Now they Spirit Walker in in the solo cup and under light she will soon open up and green up!
I have 3 other beans in to soak, Orange Critical Punch auto , Blueberry auto & a random seed which fell out of my seed box.
The random seed is an auto because it was in my auto seed box, it will be interesting to see how it grows.
The Orange Critical Punch is an older seed so may not germ I want to have 4 solo cups to max out the space left by my 4 x 8.5 liter grows
which are Banana Kush Auto, Tangerine Dream auto, Blue Treacle auto & Fruitcake auto.
A week has gone by and I am still waiting for my calibration powders to arrive.
In normal times I could get next day delivery but I have been waiting for over a week now.
This makes feeding a bit of a lottery as I am having to best guess PH, really not ideal!!
I have 4 PH meters each reading a different value!! They need calibration ASAP!!!
I am hoping tomorrow (Monday) will be the day they arrive, I can't safely wait any longer PH needs to be measured accurately!
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@Dinafem-Mark @Vapo @St. Tom

First peek at the young'uns in solo cups.
Of course I had to be different and use brown solo cups lol
Spirit walker and hopefully Critical Orange Punch autos will join them soon!
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Ruby & Cookies :woohoo:

That's 2 happy and healthy seedlings ready to put on a show :thumbsup:

Let's do this :headbang:

Until next time, stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:


Hey Mark :pass:
I'm Afraid I have been a clumsy oaf and snapped one of the cotyledons on the Cookies, I have found from past experience this seriously affects early growth.
There are 2 secondary leaves and I thought it would be able to pick up but it isn't looking good!
Damn my fiddling, I sometime can't help myself!
Still I said I would do a diary and a diary I will do I have dropped a Dinafem Blue Kush auto in a shot glass and I'm hoping it will crack soon.
Apologies for the set back, if the BK doesn't crack I have a couple of other dinafem strains, one way or another there will be a Dinafem solo cup!
Apologies for the set back, if the BK doesn't crack I have a couple of other dinafem strains, one way or another there will be a Dinafem solo cup!

No apologies needed mate :pass:

Mistakes happen, let's not think about that and move forward :pass:

All will be fine mate :thumbsup:

Stay safe dude :bighug:

All the best :bong:

:dammit: go ahead RT-Z, you can swear in front of us! :rofl: :bighug: ..how are ya mate? My apologies, I have missed this until now! Tag my ass next time-- errr wait, that came out wrong,...:nono: :haha:
I'm feeling like a pat of butter spread over a whole loaf lately :help:.. bloody Sick Bay is a zoo too for weeks, it's driving me batshit!
I did manage to get the tent auto's up and running, in the Prescription Blend section,...

Looking very nice above, but what's shakin' with the fresh bacon now? :jointman: All's well enough I trust....
:dammit: go ahead RT-Z, you can swear in front of us! :rofl: :bighug: ..how are ya mate? My apologies, I have missed this until now! Tag my ass next time-- errr wait, that came out wrong,...:nono: :haha:
I'm feeling like a pat of butter spread over a whole loaf lately :help:.. bloody Sick Bay is a zoo too for weeks, it's driving me batshit!
I did manage to get the tent auto's up and running, in the Prescription Blend section,...

Looking very nice above, but what's shakin' with the fresh bacon now? :jointman: All's well enough I trust....
~#%&*£ ?>!(&*@ ahh that's better!:crying:
Oh dear I have been slackin' in this section!:coffee2:
Update ok, so I had 5 Moby dick from ages ago, I dropped them but no germ!:nono:
I couldn't even say how old the seed was!:shrug:
All those in the black pots are now takin' over the cab big time, I have run out of space.:yoinks:
I think I used too much foliar feed and they just kept getting bushier, I have had to heavily defoliate a couple of times.:smokeit:
Defoliating doesn't seem to phase them, go back 2 days later and they are back to how they were.:finger:
Seeing as this is the Cookies solo thread, I reckon I should buy some more cookies seeds :hump:but I'm all out of space.:wall:
So as soon as Fruitcake has finished I will then make that solo cup HQ.:woohoo1:
I had to move the solo cups out of the 2' x 2' because fruitcake got too big and that's after dwarfing her.:jawdrop:
I have a friend growing fruitcake photo and he said she got big!
:eek1: wow, 0-fer on the MD's, they must have been artifacts!

Yar, I figured they'd be throwing elbows in there by now,... you take too good of care of them and they bloody thrive, get too big... what a dilemma -:rofl: Funny they say :finger: to the defol'ing,... surly little shites!
Alas, you are out of Dina-girls :doh:, not for lack of trying though,... I wish you were close by my friend, I've a Cookie or two to share...
Right then, what to do,... :rofl: If you'd like to title change, or move the thread, I am at your service!

@Dinafem-Mark :pighug: how ya doing mate? I have the photo's to get going here right away, I'm still grinding over what Dinafem/HSO girl to run! Torn mostly between the Mango Sapphire, Green Crack FV and Strawberry Amnesia :tongue:...
:eek1: wow, 0-fer on the MD's, they must have been artifacts!

Yar, I figured they'd be throwing elbows in there by now,... you take too good of care of them and they bloody thrive, get too big... what a dilemma -:rofl: Funny they say :finger: to the defol'ing,... surly little shites!
Alas, you are out of Dina-girls :doh:, not for lack of trying though,... I wish you were close by my friend, I've a Cookie or two to share...
Right then, what to do,... :rofl: If you'd like to title change, or move the thread, I am at your service!

@Dinafem-Mark :pighug: how ya doing mate? I have the photo's to get going here right away, I'm still grinding over what Dinafem/HSO girl to run! Torn mostly between the Mango Sapphire, Green Crack FV and Strawberry Amnesia :tongue:...
Waira my good man!:bighug:
silly me I forgot this was my thread!!:crying:
I have changed the title but thanks for the offer!!:d5:
The :finger: was because everytime I defo'd they would be just as bushy two days later, like it was a war or something!
I know what's best for them , they should be thanking me!!:rofl:

I am thoroughly mugged off, I promised Mark a diary and I have been had thing just go against me!:nono:
As soon as Fruitcake is finished I will do a cookies auto grow if it flipping kills me!:deadhorse:
Also seeing as this is my thread I can fill it up with pics of what is going one to give you a good idea!:woohoo1::thumbsup:

So here are a few pics taken today of the solo cups
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Spirit Walker

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Critical Orange Punch

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Critical Orange Punch

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Critical Orange Punch

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Spirit Walker


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