Dutch Passion are we there yet? think different at day 60 with led and dwc.

I think she has a ways to go, but in the next two weeks she will fatten up ALOT!!! There was a TD on here that I think went to almost 100 days, I could be wrong), but those buds can mature alot. I would not cut for a while. Really trick lookin LEDs man, your set up looks great!

thanks buddy! i was lucky to spot the LEDs on ebay when i did! i know they've got a while to grow still, i was just trying to get a feel for how much longer. i'll keep this post updated with growth in the coming days and can't wait for this thing to swell up! cheers!
Subbed.... :pop:

Your gonna have a beast dude.... That plant... Those roots.... Those lights... You just must have a slower lady gbd, I would email Hydrodrow & see if they can help get those PCB's/LED clusters going again, I'm sure Vince would be able to offer some advice...

Subbed.... :pop:

Your gonna have a beast dude.... That plant... Those roots.... Those lights... You just must have a slower lady gbd, I would email Hydrodrow & see if they can help get those PCB's/LED clusters going again, I'm sure Vince would be able to offer some advice...


is vince someone at hydrogrow? i figured since i'd purchased the lights second hand and have already broken the warranty seal hydrogrow wouldn't help me. it never hurts to ask though, so i'll definitely look into it. thanks for all the kind words! she's been slow since the word go. the other two i have vegging are way closer to being on pace with seymour's than this one, so hopefully they'll finish quicker. if not they may die on the vine, in their prime, while i'm on vacation. but i'm not gonna worry about that quite yet, gotta stay positive.
hi GBD - you look like a man with a plan! and a good growroom. Keep those pics coming. Great rootball too, you can grow !
If you email hydrogrow through there website... Vince will the man to get back in touch with you... Doubt they'll get you up & running for free... But I'm sure he'll be able to help out someway or other..

BB! thanks for the reply! she showed sex around day 26 and i switched to flowering nutes on day 40. they didn't start to stretch until after the switch to flowering nutes, so maybe i should've left them on veg nutes longer. i'll definitely consider harvesting the top buds first and allowing the rest to continue when the time comes, but how does that work with flushing?
in her res currently are:
carbo load
superior potash
and canna flores.
her ph has stayed around 5.9 since flowering, only dropping when she was running low on water. her ppm is currently 752. i have pk13/14 but am unsure when to use it, but figured it'd be too early for that. she's definitely been a slow starter/grower. the roots look decent. my pump is 65 l/min and she's drinking about 3 liters a day. i've been changing nutes every 4-7 days, depending on fluctuation. my last res went from 740 ppm to 690 overnight, then hovered around 610 for 2 or 3 days. don't know if this is a sign of anything, but she's got a fresh res now.

thanks again! all advice is welcome!

What I did was to top up with just water and gradually reduce EC, then after taking my first harvest, when I decided I was gonna let them go another week or so, I gave them a 25% strength shot of Canna Aqua Flores just to bring EC up a tad and delay yellowing for a cpl more days. The lower buds visibly swelled and hardened a lot during this time so I am certain my yield benefitted greatly from it. Taste doesnt seem to have been affected and the buds smoke down to a "healthy" white ash. After a good long cure im sure you wont notice much, if any, diff between the tastes of the two crops. It sounds like you have everything well dialed in and im sure this girl will yield big for you. I think I used my own shot of pk13/14 too early for one or two of the plants. Wait another week or two until you have some spiralled clusters of flowers forming up the stems then give her her dose :)
reading bout TD makes me happy im a lil new but from what i have seen i think this is my next baby girl im a novice so should i playt more before taking this bad byatch on for a grow .....

I say go ahead and grow the TD out now :) She is a very hardy and forgiving lady who will reward you well im sure :D