New Grower are the ice bubble bags worth it

If that's the kind of Tootsie Rolls you hand out, I want to come to your house for Halloween!!! :drool::crying::dance:

Ahhh. Nice. So this 'dry hash' is down without using any ice or anything? Just dry shake and trim getting shaken profusely through a micron sifter bag several times?

No that was ice hash...this is dry ice hash...


  • hash 003.jpg
    hash 003.jpg
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dry sift is what i think hes asking about about just doing it dry without either but that looks amazing cres... :bow::bow::bow:
Yeah that's what I mean. Like no ice at all. So there's no ice, plain old regular ice, and dry ice?

I have seen and know how to do dry ice hash. I can easily get the dry ice, too.
how many pounds did you start with??? hehe
I have made my first batch of ice-o-later hash just 3 days ago and I was blasted off a hit from shake.. I think it's very much worth it. I can't wait to do it with all my trim and use it for cooking, tinctures, smoking.. It is a bit of a pain though, you will go through a lot of work for about 2 hours to get what amounts to cracking crab legs in terms of pay off. But when you are done cracking, dip it in butter and savor the flavor baby! Yah it's totally worth it :)
Yeah Dude, totally worth their weight in gold.

I'm going to try and make some full melt bubble and BHO in "My first auto grow" journal /thread in the next couple/few weeks with my trim.
Don't know if it's already been mentioned but save yourself some headache & avoid the crappy bag sets on eBay & many other sites.
Either stick with original Bubblebags (overpriced in my opinion) or go with Payload or Sprung. I've used Payload & they work great. If I had to buy a new set of bags though, I would go with Sprung.

And oh - YES it's worth it! It's a bit of work but with experience, it gets easier

Where do I order the "Sprung" Bags from?
I googled but in two pages & couldn't see a retail place for them.