New Grower Archiweedies III

I've heard that no feed allot around the forums. Did it once by accident just about killed seedlings at 4 days old.

Every other time I've grown in coco, I pre charged the Coco with nutes and direct seed, that way they grow strong and I'm watering to run off within a week to 10 days.

Just so I understand you, Do you feed each day with seedlings? Do you feed daily in general with coco or do a feed/feed/water like some suggest.

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I barely water seedlings with nutrients. After 7-10 days I water to run off about every 3-5 days. By 21 days I'm watering every day or more. I always have nutrients in every watering.
Day 36 Update:

DBC not showing flowers. Most people might freak, not me! I hope I have another crack at an auto that turns out to be a photo! Plus She's in a plastic pot, I'm certain I could transfer her to a bigger pot! I got bad luck with heavy indicas man! They don't like me and my growspace. Perhaps I'm starting the lights too low and it causes them not to stretch up some more. It's like 10"tall!

The Tyrones are doing fine, one is leggier than the other but I'm content with my training.

Northern Cheese Haze is still showing some signs of claw. She is almost ready for a feeding and I think I'm gonna go easy on the nutes. Maybe only 1ml/ltr of base nutes and 1ml/ltr of AN Carboload.

HBSS Day 42 is obviously flowering and smells insane!

Toof Decay day 10 she's finally starting to grow new leaves!!

Thanks for looking everyone and please help me become a better grower if you see the chance!

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Day 40
DBC isn't flowering but isn't getting bigger either. I'm not sure what Is going on with her. She's definitely showing her girl parts but not really building flowers.


Tyrone A


Tyrone B


A & B next to each other




HBSS Day 46
She's starting to suck nutrients out of the leaves so I'm feeding her good and heavy and she's taking it.


Toof Decay 14
Not much to report... she's behind schedule but she looks healthy.

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Okay, I just realized how bad this looks on desktop with the huge images. I use mobile like 99% of the time. whats the most polite way to upload them?
I'm always on mobile myself so I don't really see what you're talking about.

Lol okay. It's like the images are massive and annoying.

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Got some decent BerryWhite I'm smoking on tonight! Woot

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Hey guys so I'm embarrassed to ask, but my humidity in my grow space is all wonky.
Temps here today were in the 70's and we are getting ready for rain. It's been 50-60% humidity for the last couple days in the mornings.
My tent has been flirting with 70% RH a couple times and I do have some flowering gals of course.

What can/should I do? It's a 4x4 grow tent. I did have my flood table (complete with drainage I was too lazy to suck out lol) and I was oxygenating my nutrient water in a 5 gal bucket with no lid. I took the flood table and aforementioned buckets out of the tent and the room the tent is in. I rearranged some fans, bumped up the extraction fan, and when the morning dew burned off outside my RH settled at about 56%. What are my options.

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Well, my situation hasn't changed a whole hell of a lot.
I'm still struggling with humidity. We've been dealing with a marine layer that is having a hard time burning off due to the clouds being overcast.
Deep Blue C is basically halted dead in her tracks with little to no noticeable growth. She is certainly showing preflowers, but I am near certain she's a photoperiod.
Let's talk about my options here for a minute. I would like to finish my plants that are on a 20/4 schedule as they have roughly 4 weeks left. According to cycle times everything should be done integrated second and third week in October. Toof Decay will be roughly 45 days old.
Between now and then I could take clones with the intention of flowering the mother and several clones straight 12/12 essentially.

In a way I'd like to keep her small, is her pot size (2.5gallon) why she isn't growing anymore? Is she rootbound? I want to ensure she's healthy before I go cloning her.
Should I up-pot her maybe before flower?

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