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Good morning everybody..wanna reming everyone that the Zambeza Auto Warrior interview is tomorrow,this will be 4 hours earlier than usual so adjust your start times..ohhh its gonna be a good one!!.........On another note another Cannazone test is about to start,this one is the GoGrow Led,follow along and watch some Topping and HST in action.This lamp is said to replace a 1000 watss of HID..I expect good things since i only use 600watts..heres a teaser
Good morning everybody..wanna reming everyone that the Zambeza Auto Warrior interview is tomorrow,this will be 4 hours earlier than usual so adjust your start times..ohhh its gonna be a good one!!.........On another note another Cannazone test is about to start,this one is the GoGrow Led,follow along and watch some Topping and HST in action.This lamp is said to replace a 1000 watss of HID..I expect good things since i only use 600watts..heres a teaserView attachment 662165 View attachment 662166View attachment 662167
I don't know man. Maybe we should start the pre interview party now.... It's gonna be an early start.. wanna get a jump?
Gooooooooooooooood MORNING AFN!!!

The babies are all doing wonderfully! I redesigned the tarp so now it wraps totally around the plant area, and the lights are all the way at the ceiling and it was 74 all night long, now it only got down to 30 I think last night but the new design is waaaaaaaaaaaay better for heat retention. Now I honestly can put at least another 10 in the space now or just rearrange the ones that are in there now to give me a little more space to move around between the plants. I need to get this dang other light and cO2 controller grrrrrrrrrrr. Next week hopefully.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
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