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Thanks bro I'm so happy uve come through ure dark days iv also been in some dark times and can relate :bighug:

I was driving to work at 5.30 am when the old boy was crossing the barriers so I slammed the brakes on and phoned emergency services and talked to him when I had the chance I grabbed him. he did struggle slightly saying he wanted to be with his wife who had passed and that he had no-one All in all it was very sad

It was a long time ago, the culmination of a lot of things gone wrong and, at 19, the arrogance of youth to feel that there was no reason for continued existence.

Within 7 months of that fateful day I had met my soul mate and my world righted so much that I've never ventured into that dark tunnel since. It truly broke me, but the person who rose from the pieces loves life and I'm grateful every day that I'm still breathing.

I wish the old gentleman a better 2017.

And when Mossy said "sister", I think she meant me because I'm female. But I don't object to being called bro LOL. We are all part of the brotherhood/sisterhood/personhood of humanity, right?

It was a long time ago, the culmination of a lot of things gone wrong and, at 19, the arrogance of youth to feel that there was no reason for continued existence.

Within 7 months of that fateful day I had met my soul mate and my world righted so much that I've never ventured into that dark tunnel since. It truly broke me, but the person who rose from the pieces loves life and I'm grateful every day that I'm still breathing.

I wish the old gentleman a better 2017.

And when Mossy said "sister", I think she meant me because I'm female. But I don't object to being called bro LOL. We are all part of the brotherhood/sisterhood/personhood of humanity, right?

I've seen that avatar before
cheers for the new year
And on that note I would like to announce.....

After various mix ups and being confused with islandgrower I am no longer Island Grower, I am Eclectic Elle. Sorry to start everyone's year with a big change like that, but I'll answer to EE (not the phone network obvs.) or even just Elle.

Now where are those piggy pictures, ah yes... @Renaissance Redneck @Mossy (ps thanks for changing me over)

After cooking:

Before eating:

What's left for later/tomorrow:


And why did it take me 4 hours to post these pics? Full belly, half a bottle of wine, not enough sleep = crashed out after lunch LOL.

Happy New Year all.
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