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And how would you feel without your phone..?..I can remember when we had the only phone in two streets because my dad had his own business and the neighbours used to come knocking on the door with money in their hands to use the phone..:coffee:

I remember being a kid in Texas, we had a party line. 5 neighbors, all sharing one phone line! And always listening for that little click that told you a neighbor was trying to listen in on your conversation. :coffee2:
Every once in awhile we'll get to enjoy it. Mom was a Newfie, and talk about a light show!

I love technology, although most of it goes over my head. I mean holy crap, we're talking in real time, even sharing pics and video, with Brothers and Sisters thousands of miles away! :smoking:
How cool is that? :bighug:
way cool
never got any fruit juice so no brew, poor me......not!...
When we moved to this village there was one phone, you had to ask to use it. There was a satellite dish for Ratnet, the rural Alaska tv station which looked like it was put together by a high school communications class.
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