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16.95 euros a Kilo on the rib just got him to cut it fatter than a steak..and 17.95 euros a kilo on the buey/ox will have problems finding the usual sunday joint like they do in the ours from dialaprix..don't know if you have a one where you are.
No..I Think it is like that here too...:headbang:..because you are removed from the bombardment of Christmas adverts and decorated shops and xmas rubbish..combined with the does feel like xmas is happening to someone else..:coffee:..
I lost a pair of flip flops to the land yesterday..:crying:..tried to sneak in to get the chickens some weeds and it sucked me flip flops off.
Took me 20 minutes to get the mud off me feet..the land goes like quick sand.

We got out of the habit of having xmas dinners when we had a gift shop in the UK..xmas was a selection of cold meats and greggsies stotties..:headbang:..then back down the shop to clear the devastation of xmas eve in a gift shop up..and the fastest flight to Lanzarote we could get on..:coffee:..loved NY in Lanzorote sitting in a beach restaurant.

If the snoop dog doesn't get here..nor does hubby...:vibe:..and I'm waiting for the sales to spend my camera money ..:d5:..then my son can bring it with him when he flies over in January.
Soo..we have nowt either..but some delicious meat..:chef:..

Closest Dialprix is La Laguna, there are plenty south side too. Mind you, Hiperdino have been good on sirloin/entrecot steak lately and I'll be in there later. Maybe I'll have a look. That rib joint looks fab! My mouth is watering...

Laughed like anything at you losing your flipflops! I didn't know you'd got chickens! There are wild ones in the barranco behind us, the cockerels crow at all hours of the day and night. I had to pass my birds on to someone else before we left the UK because I knew the kids didn't have the experience to deal with any emergencies, nor really the sense of responsibility to make sure they were let out and put to bed when they were supposed to. It would have been only a matter of time before the fox came to call.

I don't expect my snoop dogg to come in time, it was posted Tuesday. It'll be here mid January I guess LOL. Post for here goes via Madrid and Gran Canaria, so it takes a while. GC is the bottleneck I think. Hubby's birthday books have come, so he's got the first one and I'll wrap the second.

We're having goose crown Christmas Day, suckling pig New Year's Day, but I miss my beef joints so if we can get one we'll have it Boxing Day. The goose crown won't do leftovers, I don't think. Or I could cook a rib joint on Sunday for cold meat Monday. Choices, choices!

Oh, and welcome back :bighug:, I'm so glad you're safe and sound and just a bit muddy!
Marooned..:crying:..they'll be staying there a few days is still sinky..

Good morning everbody

Afternoon @stepside :bighug:

@Mossy GOOD LORDY CRAPOLA dang *hugz* afternoon :D .i lived in Florida for many years and have dealt with some flooding as well. thats stuff is rough to deal with when its higher. here's to you keeping dry and staying extra baked too :D Spain they get very little rain..but when it does come down it can be up to your ankle in flood water in .10 minutes.
They have no road drains like they do in the it all goes to the bottom of the hill..and we are bottom of the hill..:coffee:
The canals for the run off water are great..but a once in 30 years storm meant they get overwhellmed.

Lucky for us..the field is gradiented for the farmer to flood it for his crops..there is a 4 ft run off ditch at the back of that and the sluice gates opened and took the brunt of it.
That canal breach doesn't Look bad..but it was belting hundreds of gallons out.

The ordinary fields are still water we were Lucky.

I bet the fence costs an arm and a leg tomget put back up though..:nono:
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