For us too... But many don't realize it... Lets all smoke up for the RETURN TO THE LIGHT! WOO HOO!!
I smell a solstice party tomorrow in LS... Hmmm...
That's why we plant every two weeks when possible... There's never enough is there Bear?
Merry Christmas RIO!! I LOVE THAT!! I may jack it and use it as my avatar lol if you don't mind...
Man what a show! That's just killer... Nice set! They will be in crypts still rockin man... Ageless
The wife found this years ago and gave it to me for Christmas. You know its a sacred ornament with its own styro foam chest it stays in the rest of the year lol its Holy! Hahaha
Nah... Partridges aren't my kinda eats... It lives! Fudge eh? Magic fudge? Lol
Indeed... The Tree is Life...
I'm lighting the Winter Solstice joint... Lets go...
@Rebel Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love the case idea that's smart idea. No problem you can use that as an avatar gotta spread the kick ass as much as possible. Solstice

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