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Morning all good stoners :pass:

how are we all doing today ?

@Mossy, i've crossed fingers for no more trouble, i just looked at some weather maps, and you are right, it's stay like this out until at least noon tomorrow.
but atleast you can stay indoor and shine a light on all our day.

@Dr. Babnik hello m8 :d5:

@Frogster nice variety stash:smoking:

We are quite good, thank you.

Thinking about getting out of the pajamas and get some shopping done.
We are going on holidays Wed. and I have promissed to serve roasted goose, roasted duck and confit de canard. And I have a shopping list from my mother.
@Mossy sending you hugs m'dear, hopefully it'll settle down without too much damage. We've had torrential rain on and off for 12 hours but it seems to be quieter this morning.

I measured my peeH! It's 6.8, so nowhere like what I expected LOL. I've been taking magnesium and multi-vit tablets for a week now, every day. Our tap water is 8.2 - would that be high enough to hinder the growth on my plants? I don't even know where it comes from - I guess there's a reservoir up on the hills behind the town.

@FullDuplex got me into PH ing my water coz like you we are about the same PH.
'round where we live I had no chance of buying I used white wine and available..:headbang:..
little squirt is all that is needed in my 50 ltr pot.
The plants Flourished..and I'm sure I got less salt build up problems..we are high cal water too.

I found out that the vinegar Effect actually wear off after 48 you have no need to worry about over doing it..:headbang:

Next season I'm going to Experiment with the Fruit salts..:coffee:..I'm wondering if they'll do the same for plants as Humans..

Please, stay on land! Crazy storm!

Yeah..I'm worried about being washed out to sea Dr.B..:biggrin:


Help yourself Aunty.... I seem to have a bit spare..... Share the love..... :pass:

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I know... I need to take my BS more regularly.
Also, rheumatic activity probably also comtribute to acidity.

The rheumatic nerve pain..the unrelenting pain is cause by lack of oxygen in your blood..they are screaming for oxygen..Feed them..
the pain stops...:headbang:

Hubby is daring to venture outside with a view to us decamping..:shrug:
We are quite good, thank you.

Thinking about getting out of the pajamas and get some shopping done.
We are going on holidays Wed. and I have promissed to serve roasted goose, roasted duck and confit de canard. And I have a shopping list from my mother.

sound like it's gonna be a busy week for you.. btw confit de canard is very good from a tin... if u feel like lowering the workload a little..

@Frogster damn nice job with the grow and promo
sound like it's gonna be a busy week for you.. btw confit de canard is very good from a tin... if u feel like lowering the workload a little..

@Frogster damn nice job with the grow and promo
One of the few tinned foods I buy is the confit.
If I have very much duck and goose fat in storage, I make it myself. We eat many birds in the season.
Thank You Dr.B..:bighug:..I Feel better already.
Just having the do we move to higher ground talk again..:nono:..don't wanna be floating off to the east med in a cabin

That is Exactly what it is..[emoji106]..your metabolism is trying to shut you Off for the winter. You have to Trick your body into Thinking it is Spring again to reverse it.
That is why they use Lightboxes for SAD patients..Increase your heat and light ..and Eat spring.

It is your body Core temp going down that makes the insomnia..if you don't have a PH pen..check you Temperature..everyone has a thermometer hanging around the house somewhere..especially if there are kids in the house..or cats..:pighug:

Immediately..thank you Dr.B:bighug:
Yeah, I have SAD lights. But @Itisi pointed out that maybe I just need to spend more time in my basement. [emoji6] It totally makes sense! [emoji121]

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View attachment 674447 Ready Set Grow
I wasn't going to start a new grow until the New Year but as soon as I started to get my hands in the dirt I knew I was a goner plus I have all those Fairy Tears . What was a body to do !! Oh whoa is me said Little Sorrow . :rofl:
Oh, my... [emoji106] [emoji2] [emoji122]

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