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LSD-25 looks like an awesome grower btw. I have videos on my FastBuds Grow journal by the way if you check it out. I know you said you were but not sure if you ever did. I wish I could upload my videos with original quality though! Websites compress them and make them look blurry sometimes.
Haven't looked yet. When I sit down to relax, I will.
Need to use the time before the rheumatism kicks me down in the sofa.
Doing a little harvesting this a.m. anybody want too help ?? :eyebrows:
Mornin' all... Looking great bear! That crystal meth??
MAN LOL! gotta love waking up getting break fast goin on and then the TENT fully goes poof LOL no power. awww how awesome you were thinking of me LOL!

damned power strip failed and had to replace it damned piece of machinery.
My pellet stove shit the bed and the girls are cold 33° in the tents before I left.. Annnnd my effing pipes are froze. It was -12° hope they don't burst..
Anybody got the Mixlr app?? If you don't you should get it quick. Platinum Tom is doing a live audio interview today..
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