Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

ghost toof 3L day 31
tried not to give cal mag but i did today
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a bit pale washed out look to it.could get need more N :shrug: it il live :smoking:
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blue cheese or creme tasmo 3L/6L day 52
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im thinking i got it wrong and the mephisto is in the 6L pot and the dinafem in the 3L
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been cold lately,bit of purple on the leaves of the 6L from the tips in so thats temp related :snow2:
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keep er lit.
edit...i havnt got any 5L pots
Looks great for a 3 litre mate :) top stuff dude
im a stoner not a grower
this is my 2 year old chilli
one fruit a year :d5:
i smoked this

and then this

im down to extracts and concentrates :frowny:

so i had a look in me stash
seed collection.JPG

and ive gone back to the start,my first mephisto order of 3 walter white in 201? i dunno way way back :shrug: but its not walter white because i dont have any left from my first order.i still have a chemdogging :watering:
but first things first,and thats get the kettle on :coffee:
argos kettle.JPG
thats a spare may sound boring to the new grower but a spare fan/filter could stop you shiting yerself if one was to fault,most other things ya can get away with a drop of bleach :eyebrows:
how about a singalong ?

no ? no ? no ? ok :help:
i did this on seed wetting wednesday
chemdogging day minus 5.JPG maybe seen it twice before this
chemdogging day 7
chemdogging day 7b.JPG

maybe 3 times
chemdogging day 14

i found this

then filled it in

and that was today :pass:
keep er lit