Indoor Archaic's Spring 2019 Stealth Grow

So I filled the bottom on the autopot with coco and drilled out the bottom of four 32oz cups and nested them down in it. It seems to be working fine to pull water up into the cups.

Got good sprouts from the Purple Nugget and 2/3 Stone Dragons. One of them kind of disintegrated so I dropped a replacement in cup last night and put it in a paper towel this morning.

Hope to have more pics up in a day or two.
Good morning @Archaic , did a purple nuggets that came from a Strawberry Nuggets seed pack, much less strawberry and a more muted berry aroma. Nice all around meds. Currently have 4 Stone Dragons going, on day 45, 3 males and a single female. Been collecting pollen from the 3, as well as dusting the single female with the pollen from male [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. I am growing them in 1 gallon airpots, so they are definitely smaller then there roommates, which are Mephisto White Crack, Ghost Toof, Sweet and Sour, and 3 Bears OG.
But they seem to be taking my mis-steps in stride and not blinking. Good Luck with your SD's.
i just found your new thread im subbed up along for the ride i love Mephisto
Subbed up too, I'm running Meph in autopots too, with mostly MegaCrop nutes, jjournal coming soon. Looking forward to your grow! :smoking:
Good morning @Archaic , did a purple nuggets that came from a Strawberry Nuggets seed pack, much less strawberry and a more muted berry aroma. Nice all around meds. Currently have 4 Stone Dragons going, on day 45, 3 males and a single female. Been collecting pollen from the 3, as well as dusting the single female with the pollen from male [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. I am growing them in 1 gallon airpots, so they are definitely smaller then there roommates, which are Mephisto White Crack, Ghost Toof, Sweet and Sour, and 3 Bears OG.
But they seem to be taking my mis-steps in stride and not blinking. Good Luck with your SD's.

I'll have to check that out, looks like you're a ways ahead of me.
Mephisto Orange Diesel day 24. Most of the nute burn has cleared up and she's back on course. Not going to be a giant, but hopefully quality over quantity right.


The Purple Nugget and one of the Stone Dragons are up and the other two are peeking.


Cabinet shot as of this morning


Stay tuned
I enjoyed some SN Purple pheno last night, not the most powerful but in terms of overall effect and enjoyment, she's a winner! Good luck!
Did some LST on the orange diesel


Two Stone Dragons and the Purple Nugget are up, one of the dragons may have stalled. I only have two SD seeds left, so I'm not sure whether to pop a replacement or not. I'll give a couple more days.

I have no idea why some seeds do this and just stall. It broke the seed Hull and just stopped . . . I pulled the shell off yesterday morning and it's not responded at all. I get a couple of these per year.


So, in order to make sure I get both male and female Stone Dragons, I dropped another seed in the wet paper towel this morning.

Meanwhile here is the cabinet, day 26 for the orange diesel and day two for the purple Nugget and two SDs


Orange Diesel is blooming nicely. I'm running about 2.5 mg/gal megacrop. The cups seem to be wicking it up pretty well.
I've realized a limitation in using autopots to do perpetual grows. Seedlings don't like using the same reservoir as mature plants. My babies are showing nitrogen burn just like my orange diesel did when it was a baby sharing the reservoir with a mature plant.

I've lifted the cups out of the reservoir and I'm going to to a DI water flush and hand feed them for a bit.