Old Reviews Any Volunteers..?

If I do this, will I get paid? If not..... no deal.:lol:
Considering I currently have zero rep points, I'll take what I can get.

Seriously though, I may do a side by side comparison. I would only be using bloom nutes. But, I would do one with and one without to see what happens.
Eek..yes amended soils grows would be Brilliant...ANYTHING that makes the girls grow Well...:thumbs:..Best Bang for Buck...

SCARHOLE..I'd Love to see the MG grow in particular...:thumbs:..only a very few growers can get away with it..so if you have the Method..it will be great.

keepitmedicated ..you have no idea how many people are in the same situation as you...so it will help our growers to use Normal gear that you can pick up locally.

I'm going to Test my Normal brand Cannabium 4 step program against Advanced nutes 4 step program.
I have new germs..and I'll select a pair to Test as they mature.

My problem at the minute is..my karma Dragon does not want to Share the Bud Candy with anyone else.....:cough:


The other point you made, about the Art and Graphic Design forums? I'd
honestly love to be a part. I've always loved art and have a few years in
graphic design on top, I'd be more than willing to help out in any way and love
to contribute.

Sir Cunning..:thumbs:..glad to here it.
One of our Art/design guys is MIA..I'll find out what is going on.
Im a proper cheapskate when it comes to soil.... i only use D.I.Y store soil now and have done for years... Bit of perlite and sometimes gauno and its good to go.... I also use BioBizz nute range but recently added AN BigBud and Overdrive ....
i only use D.I.Y store soil now and have done for years...

Me Too..Universal/potting compost...and a reasonably priced fert program.

I invested in some AN too..Iguana grow and bloom...sensizym..and Bud Candy...which Double my fert costs..so I'm expecting a Return on the expenditure...:cough:..or else...
I also took a little medium Test myself when planting my Thunder germs.....


Proper seedling compo..top left..
Universal..bottom left..
Two different canna compos on the right..

See the dead ones..:thumbs:..seedlings hate hot compo.

All my germs go into Seedling compo now.
Inside I have gone to a super soil mix. Just water and sometimes a little black strap molassas is all that is needed. Thanks cres for the info on that, great stuff! Outside I use a product caled "tomato tone". This is a mix of organic composts, and of course the best additive, sun and rain water!
Hey Mossy, on you live fert test template I wasn't sure what to put down next to the ppm line so i just figured I would post the ppm evevery time I feed and update.
Me Too..Universal/potting compost...and a reasonably priced fert program.

I invested in some AN too..Iguana grow and bloom...sensizym..and Bud Candy...which Double my fert costs..so I'm expecting a Return on the expenditure...:cough:..or else...

Iguana huh.... The one thing ive heard is that the Grow is not that strong... Many growers use more than what the bottle says.. Especially when used with LED's...

Your tests speak for themselves...... I prefer to spend my cash on nutes and additives.. Not over priced soil.... :D