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Just a guy and his dog.
Mar 16, 2019
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This is my northern lights auto I recently posted about, I’m still completely new to growing this is my first grow so I’m kinda just letting the plant go and learn whatever I can. Recently my leaves have started drooping and have some kind of spots on them. The plant got stunted pretty bad around week 2, this is day 30 from breaking soil. I haven’t fed any nutes since I burned it 2 1/2 weeks ago lmao. Any guesses as to what this is would be appreciated.


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Here’s another above pic.


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What type of light are you using and how high from plant?I would give her some veg nutes at half dose to get her going.
What type of light are you using and how high from plant?I would give her some veg nutes at half dose to get her going.
300 watt viparspectra led reflectors. It’s 26 inches away rn, I haven’t fed any nutes yet. I’ve got the fox farm trio. How many ml do you recommend I start with. I just recently tied her down and did some LST, I’m completely new so I’m just trying different stuff.


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I would lower your light a couple of inches and feed her veg nutes at half the recommended dosage on the bottle.Let the soil dry out a little in between waterings to avoid drowning the roots.
I would lower your light a couple of inches and feed her veg nutes at half the recommended dosage on the bottle.Let the soil dry out a little in between waterings to avoid drowning the roots.
Alright so how many ml of the grow big should I mix in water. I haven’t really been keeping track of the amount of water I give her lol I usually just water till a couple inches of soil are wet. The nutes confuses the shit out of me
I would lower your light a couple of inches and feed her veg nutes at half the recommended dosage on the bottle.Let the soil dry out a little in between waterings to avoid drowning the roots.
Does 1ml or Grow big mixed in a half gallon of water sound alright? If so how much should I water at a time with the nutes
Alright I did the 1ml of grow big in a 1/2 gal of rainwater. Waited till there was about 2 inches of dry soil and poured half of the solution in there. 12 hours later, not really seeing any difference most of my leaves are still dark and drooping with the spots still there. I ordered some botinicare calmag should be here Wednesday. Idk if that’ll do that trick or not
The directions say two teaspoons of Grow Big per Gallon of water. So try a half strength of 1 teaspoon per Gallon. Water around the edges of the pot to encourage root growth. The roots will have to search for the nutes. Try to get a feel for how heavy the pot is when it’s dry and when it’s watered so you can tell when it needs watering. You can also use a cheap moisture meter to push into the soil to give you an idea as well. Take readings from top to bottom as there can still be lots of water at the bottom of a pot.
I would also recommend measuring how much water you use each time until you get a feel for what the plant needs. How do you know you stunted her with too much nutes? Also, what kind of soil are you using?
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