So after buying my sweet seeds mix x10 and germinating and growing at home for a month i go hunting for the perfect place to get them outdoors . I had a nice place lined up to put them but when i got there i found about 20 female non auto cannabis placed around this overgrown isolated field in the middle of nowhere and they were big but really dry and dieing due to no water so being a nice chappy i watered them and put fresh slug pellets on them . So now i find my spot the next overgrown field over and place my autos in 3 different places a group of 3 and two groups of 4 as to not loose the whole batch should someone find them ( just as well i did ) , i have dug the holes and placed them in the ground but left them in there pots to controll watering and keep unwanted roots away from my lovley girls , camoflaged the topsoil with similar foliage to the rest of the floor and they were doing really well nice sticky buds about 2 inches forming all over them . 2 days ago i did my weekly stealth journey with water and watered most but ran out so had to go refill ( refill took me about half hour to go home and get back in the car ) when i got back my second group of 4 had become a group of 1 !!!! I WAS PISSED AS I HAD ONLY JUST BEEN THERE !!!! so i hid away for about half hour waiting for them to come back for the last 1 but no one came so i search everywhere for them thinking someone has hidden them to come back and pick them up but they are not in that or the field either side ....GUTTED !!!! but what i was finding was newly dug and planted female non auto cannabis i found about 15 plants scattered over the 2 fields i searched !!! i walk up to the little road and walk about a quater mile and spot a car with big compost bag , wellies and other gardening stuff in boot but no plants ( bear in mind this lane is a dead end with no houses on it and it is very quiet ) when i seen this car i knew it was this person ( you know when you get that feeling like a sixth sence and obviously the compost ect ) so i rush back to the rest of my autos and get them all out of the ground ( good job they were in there pots ) and put them in a couple new places in heavily dence brambles trodden down in the middle where i hope they will now be safe . SORRY TO GO ON A LITTLE BUT THATS THE BACKROUND OF THIS STORY NOW I WAS GONNA SMASH THIS FKRS CAR TO BITS AND BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA HIM I WAS SO ANGRY BUT LUCKILY WHEN I GOT BACK TO HIS CAR HE WAS GONE , THEN I THOUGHT I WOULD GO CUT EVERY ONE OF HIS PLANTS DOWN AND LEAVE THEM DEAD WHERE THEY WERE PLANTED BUT I DECIDED NOT TO .........WHAT DO YOU GUYS THING I SHOULD DO ???? I HAVE THOUGHT I WILL FOLLOW HIS CAR HOME SOON AND POST HIM A LETTER THROUGH HIS FRONT DOOR SAYING " PUT THE PLANTS BACK OR YOUR DOOR WILL GO THROUGH ONE NIIGHT " OR DO YOU THINK I SHOULD JUST PLAY IT ICE COOL AND LEAVE IT TILL ABOUT A WEEK BEFORE ALL HIS ( roughly 40 but im sure there are more ) PLANTS I HAVE FOUND SO FAR ARE READY TO CROP AND THEN JUST TAKE ALL OF HIS PLANT AS THAT WOULD BE KARMA ???? sorry about the caps thats how im feling about this matter at the moment , all of your suggestions would be gratefull as im not sure what road to go down all i do know is this guy is laughin right now waiting the last 2 or 3 weeks then he will be smokin my girls GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist::twist: