Outdoor Another grower stolen my auto,s !!! Gggrrrrr !!!!

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It's a rough decision, bro. One part of me says let karma do her thing, another part says ravage his plants just to be the same asshole he was, and another part says bust his ass, teach him a lesson, and leave his pathetic, dried up plants where they are. I guess I'd have to be in the situation to really know what I'd do, but me being me, there might be some consequences and repercussions in the form of a direct confrontation. Decisions, decisions...
Well, first off...you have (unwittingly) decided on an OD location that, for all intent and purpose, was already occupied. The presence of your plants increases the chance of discovery. This other person seems to be "marking their territory" as it relates to projects "in progress". To my mind, while I don't agree with their tactics, I have to think that overlapping/being close to someone else's patch just isn't wise anyway...for either of you. You may think that your locations are far enough away from theirs but that's a subjective assessment.

I would try to discreetly find out for sure who's photoperiods those plants are, then try to assess what kind of people they are (aggressive criminal type vs. reasonable normal type) and if they are the latter, engage them...being sure to mention that you actually cared for their plants and were expecting peaceful co-habitation...and then have a dialogue regarding their side of things. If they seem to be the aggressive criminal type...just find a different spot. Slippery slope of karma and trouble trying to reason with or confronting/challenging douchebag, lowlifes.....No sense (other than ego/vanity) in getting into a beef when the activity is illegal to begin with. Risks exposure.

100% agree with this, it's like a theif stealing from a theif..You COULD go trash his shit, but really, his karma or not, do you really want to put end to some plants, I mean, it's not their fault is it.

It's a tough one, but I'll just say-if you decided to go kill the guy-who you can't actually prove stole your plants-then make sure you find out who he is first, and make sure he can't kick your ass or worse make your life difficult. If it were me, I'd probably debate both options for while and then think "**ck it" and germ some more.

The 'dead end lane with no houses' is obviously not as quiet as you thought ;-)
Apart from GreenBandit (Hell Yeah), you guys are a bit more considered than me. And probably quite right. In hindsight, the location is far from ideal. More homework required. And too true, he might be innocent.

There are always two sides to every story. Sometimes more. Chill bro' Love n peace n stuff is what the penguin mantra is all about.

But thrashing the living be-jesus out of him does feel good.
I hope Aunty is not reading this!
No point confrontin him m8 much as u prob wanna break some bones.. in the long run itl only make matters worse.. just chalk his name up in the book for future reference and be the bigger man.. hard as it is
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If it were me n I was younger Id say go there at night(quietly listening on the approach) with a red flash light n some gear n chop every one at the base with a machete or axe quietly or heavy rathchet snips.clip clip ..thump LOL! BUT, now that Im older..Id say go do that very thing at night n never return ever..or find a spot anywhere near there again and do it all over..buuut im a vindictive type of person..ive been wronged tooo many times..ppl reap the whirlwind if Im not at fault and did a nice for em..ya hooed his pkant up yeah?didnt do anything?just helped em out outta the kindness of your heart right??And he said screw you dude..n jacked ya..So..Depending on my mood,Id either do that exactly...or like evol said..actually a nice combo of the two sounds nice to me..LOL! just being honest LOL!! avoid trouble though..night quiet and listen..plant to be there for 30 minutes listening in the dark..or more if yer up for it.late.no moon. leave a note..Simple and polite..Nice plants..I liked mine too.
Also just a side note.....If I had that many plants growing guerrilla style....I would have some trail cams set up watching over them. Be smart and be careful how you proceed.
I'm with Eyes, I'd rip his plants up and not go back ever. But like Eyes I'm vindictive and not even a little bit forgiving. Besides, if he knew me he'd know he got the better of the two options I was considering.
You could go back and STS his plants a few times, give him a bunch of seeded shit and hermies... That might make him think before he takes. Personally I would find a new spot and call it good, hell get whats coming to him eventually.
Errm, just suppose this guy was bigger than you? I think the OP would be better advised to find another spot!
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