Indoor Animal cookies & Purple punch x Dosidos

Flowering for 7 weeks

Into the home stretch now, these will be coming down not this weekend but the weekend after I think. Trichs are getting more cloudy but still alot of clear, definitely in the harvest window now though.

I snagged a couple of the lower branches on the tent and snapped off a couple tops on the Purple Punch so these are now drying so I have a couple of tester buds, loving the colours and the frost, I hope they dry this colour :kiss:

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Flowering for 7 weeks

Into the home stretch now, these will be coming down not this weekend but the weekend after I think. Trichs are getting more cloudy but still alot of clear, definitely in the harvest window now though.

I snagged a couple of the lower branches on the tent and snapped off a couple tops on the Purple Punch so these are now drying so I have a couple of tester buds, loving the colours and the frost, I hope they dry this colour :kiss:

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Beautiful! You should be very proud MGF! Wow!
Flowering 8 weeks

Still going strong, slow and steady this girl has been, to the naked eye the buds looked finished a few weeks ago as all the pistils were orange but the trichomes have been telling me a different story and I'm glad they have as this girls buds are slowly getting heavier and heavier but still there is time for more weight as I still see a lot of clear a fair few cloudy and 1 or 2 amber so I think at least another week and a half, gonna wait until 10% amber as always pull earlier then this but this time patience my weed smoking friends!

Sorry forgot to get pics of AC as cant keep tent open to long now as stinks!

Oh probably should mention that when I say flowering 8 weeks that's actually from pistils, it's been 10 1/2 since flip to 12/12 and I vegged for 6 weeks so 16 1/2 weeks total so far
Flowering 6 weeks

Buds putting on weight, not big by any means but there are a lot of them so should still be a decent yield, really stinky now, trichs are mainly clear with some milky ones appearing so roughly 2 weeks, followed by a 2 day cleanse is my estimation.
These girls are super frosty as well so really looking forward to smoking them up after a nice cure!

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Great job man! Enjoy the finish product with a :slap:
So I guess I should wrap this grow up, only been 2 1/2 months since my last post lol.

I have been busy at work but now with being locked down due to the Covid 19 I have now been furloughed (government paying 80% of my wages to stay at home) so have plenty of time on my hands now.

Anyway here is the final products, this time I did a whole plant hang at temps and humidity of 60/60, I left all the leaves on and incredibly it took 21 days for it to dry, now dry trimming was a bitch but well worth it as the dank smell they had whilst growing never left the buds the whole time it was drying, i swear it cured during the dry as, as soon as i jarred them they had that dank smell which hasn't subsided at all, I will always dry this way now instead of paper bags.

Damn that’s some pretty cannabis plants, MGF! Love the colors and trichs! How much did they yield, and how did the smoke treat ya?

Whole plant hang, huh? The trimming would kill me. I may giveit another shot based on this though.

cheers! Welcome back man!
Damn that’s some pretty cannabis plants, MGF! Love the colors and trichs! How much did they yield, and how did the smoke treat ya?

Whole plant hang, huh? The trimming would kill me. I may giveit another shot based on this though.

cheers! Welcome back man!
The smoke is killer on both of these, I think I say it after every grow lol but it's the best weed I've grown so far for sure!

For me the whole plant hang just works alot better in my situation as I need to be stealth, so it means I can hang it in the tent no problem and then when finished I just cut off the buds, jarred them and then I trimmed them up a jar at a time over the course of a week as you dont need to rush it this way.

Yield wasnt the best, I got 9 quart mason jars combined but I think I worked out why my buds were so small, turns out I grew with light leaks in the res and didnt realise, surprised I didnt get bad root rot tbh, but this new grow will confirm if my suspicions are correct