New Grower An Assortment of Owls(6x Night Owl Seeds(Daz.mephisto))

Update [HASHTAG]#8[/HASHTAG] Part 3:

Super Cyan Haze and Blue Microverse:
Both on Day 40 today!
Light is still at 60cm(24 inches)

Blue Microverse:

Nothing to complain about here! She's doing great! Still stretching a little bit but soon she will start bulking up! Been upping her feed too, her previous feeding was at 1/2 Bioboost, 1/4 Bioflores at 6.7 ph, runoff was at 6.6! Almost perfect I reckon, so I decided to up her feed last night when I fed: full BioBoost, 1/2 BioFlores and 1/2 Super PK 13/14 at 6.7 ph, runoff was 6.6 again! Still looking almost perfect, so will keep on feeding her until she tells me otherwise!

Blue Microverse Day 37:


Blue Microverse Day 40:




Super Cyan Haze

Alright! This lady here seems to be even more hungry than Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Her previous feed was full BioBoost, 1/2 Bioflores at 6.4 ph, runoff was 6.6 ph. So last night's feed I upped it to full BioBoost, BioFlores, and even add in a full dose of Calmag(0.4ml/l) which contains 8% N seeing as her lower leaves started yellowing, ingoing at 6.3 ph and runoff was !! 7.0ph !! ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is she really that hungry? Seeing her today she's still slowly losing some colour in her lower leaves... Should I just feed her with a full dose od the Grow nutes? BioVega? Has more N. PLEASE let me know what you think!!

Super Cyan Haze Day 37:


Super Cyan Haze Day 39(yellowing leaves):

Super Cyan Haze Day 40:






So there you have it! Please let me know what you think! Am I analyzing the runoff PH incorrectly? Or are these plants really THAT HUNGRY?

Little Bonus coming up!

1L Owl Pellet for the Grow Off on r/autoflowers

Not looking too bad! Got her final training done and gona let her stretch and do her thing now! I've had to up her nutes to a full dose already too! That little 1L Lightmix ran out quickly!! Watering her almsot daily.

1L Owl Pellet Day 22:


1L Owl Pellet Day 25:

Not looking too shaby!

Here's some moreBonus pics! Top Pic: Age of Oldest plants(SCH and BM) Day 21, Middle Pic: Day 30, Bottom Pic(Today): Day 40




Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think! Especially about how I'm analyzing runoff PH, would greatly appreciate it! Until next time!

Happy growing! :smokeit:
Alrighty! A bit overdue, but I've had a very busy week!

Time for Update #9!! Grab your popcorn! :pop:

Tent conditions:
Temps: 20-28°C
RH: 40-55%

Part 1:
Zamaldelica Express
and Owl Pellet #1:Both on Day 39 today(although I haven't taken any pics today, just don't have the energy atm)

Light is at 60cm to the top of the ZE

Zamaldelica Express:
So happy with the way this lady is turning out, she has stretched so much since the last update and is now starting to focus on developing those buds! Still clawing leaves even though i'm STILL not feeding much Nitrogen(calmag has a tiny bit). Not really too bothered by it though as she seems happy otherwise. I gave her a final lolipoping/defoliation last night on day 38! Really excited about this one!!

Zamaldelica Express Day 35:





Zamaldelica Express Day 38:





Owl Pellet #1:
Staying short and stubby this one, gave her a final defoliation a few days ago to help open her up to more light. Just gona let her do her thing. I'll be happy with whatever I get from her! Regret starting 6 plants now. Should have went with 4 plants but in 4gallon airpots instead of 2.7gallon. Next time! Anyway I hope this lady has a little stretch left in her, as of now she's just still so damn short!!

Owl Pellet #1 Day 35:


Owl Pellet #1 Day 38:



And there you have it! That's it for Part 1 folks! Be sure to stick around for Parts 2 and 3 after a small break!

Let me know what you think so far!

Update #9 Part 2!

Tropical Wiz
and Owl Pellet #2: Both on Day 43 today!

Light same height: 45cm(18 inches)

Tropical Wiz
This lady right here didn't put much into her stretch, I probably messed up somewhere; most likely timing of defoliations. Still puttin in a little work though and slowly starting to focus on bud development. She's been taking her feeds well so far, but is drying out slower than the other plants her age. Even the Zamaldelica is drying out faster than she is. But I'm not too worried yet. She isn't showing any obvious signs of stress so I'll let her do her thing!

Tropical Wiz Day 39:

Tropical Wiz Day 42:





Owl Pellet #2
So... continuing from the last update. She started losing colour in her lower leaves and her stems also turned purple(same with the Super Cyan Haze). Since I was continually getting higher runoff PH than ingoing PH when I fed them, I assumed they were even more hungry! After giving them a full strength feeding cocktail, it hasn't really gotten any better. Maybe it's progressing a bit slower. But is it possible that my soil PH is that high even though I'm feeding strong feeds at 6.2~6,5 ph? I got runoff of 6.7 PH when I gave them that big feed at 6.3 ingoing PH. They even started showing signs of burn on their leaf tips! So last night when I fed them I gave them calmag and nothing else. Next feed will be super PK and nothing else. trying to keep it low ppm while still trying to give them what they are telling me they want! It's been quite frustrating but maybe it was my mistake trying to chase runoff PH even though the plants were doing fine! What do you all think? Please let me know!

Owl Pellet #2 Day 39:

Owl Pellet #2 Day 40: To show what her lower leaves are looking like!


Day 41: Also leaves, see the progress compared to the previous pic on one of the leaf blades? closest to that lil bud

Otherside of the plant, purple petiols too? Even though I'm feeding P for sure, possible that I have a lockout but because soil PH is too HIGH?

Owl Pellet #2 Day 42:





Please let me know what you think about the signs she's trying to show me and maybe some advice? I'll likely make a post in the infermary within the next day and see if anyone there might have some advice.

Anyway, stick around for Part 3 coming up in a little bit!
Update #9 Part 3!

Super Cyan Haze
and Blue Microverse! Both on Day 46 today!

Blue Microverse:

I'm really liking this lady here! Not been giving me much trouble at all and put in some decent work during her final stretch! She's now working on her bud sites! Excited to watch em grow day by day!! The tent is starting to smell delicious and she's one of the main culprits I suspect! No problems with her so far regarding any deficiencies, eased up on her feed(just gave calmag) last watering and will give her another weak feeding of just PK next time. Looking forward to seeing how fast she ends up finishing! Also gave her the final big defoliation on Day 45 to open up her center to a bit more light penetration.

Blue Microverse Day 42:


Blue Microverse Day 45:




So time for problem child #2:

Super Cyan Haze
Aside from her discolouring lower leaves and purple stems, which I worry won't be able to hold up the weight of the fattening buds, she's progressing alright. Not really sure what I should be doing here. Since she's been giving me high runoff PH than ingoing, I've been upping her feeds, but with no luck in lowering runoff PH enough where I felt it should be. Gave her a massive feeding on Day 42 as her paling lower leaves and purple stems made me feel it was a calmag/N combined with a P deficiency! So I gave her everything full strength at 6.3 PH and her runoff was finally at an acceptable 6.5 PH(where as the feeding before was ingoing 6.3 and runoff at 7). However symtons didn't really get any better, instead she actually started to slighty claw and show signs of nute burn starting on leaf tips!! WHAT??!! What does this plant want from me? So last night I just gave her calmag and nothing else, and next feed its just gona be pk. Will see how she reacts to that. I'm also wondering if it's possible my CO2 is too high? I didn't have a CO2 bag for my first grow but have one now(regret buying it as I read its not worth it as a small home grower), and it's sitting on the outside of the tent next to one of the passive intakes, since my tent vents to outside mostly I thought it would be fine, but is it possible too high CO2 could cause these strange symptoms even though everything else is good? Should I try closing off and removing the bag?



Super Cyan Haze Day 44: Lower leaves and dark stems!


Super Cyan Haze Day 45:





Please let me know what you think so far? Especially about the SCH and her deficiencies?

That's it for part 3! Stay tuned for the BONUS part!
Update #9 BONUS Part!

1L Airpot Owl Pellet for the r/autoflowers growoff! On Day 31 today!

She's been taking full feeds for the past week almost daily at this point! I'm so excited about the way she came out! She's fully in her stretch now! And holy moly she showed her first trichomes on day 29!! Crazy!! So damn excited about this little speed devil!! So far so good!

1L Owl Pellet Day 28:


1L Owl Pellet Day 29: First trichomes already showing themselves!!



1L Owl Pellet Day 30:


And now some bonus of the entire tent from last night:





That's all folks! Hope you enjoyed it and if you have any advice or general critiques please let me know!

Until next time! Happy Growing!!! :smoking::d5:
your tape measure in cm or inches?
cm hehe, would be too big if they were inches :D EDIT: or maybe not, I'm just not used to huge plants yet lol. the plants from my first grow all stayed about a cubic foot in size(12x12x12 inches) and I still got 2 oz of each of em average. I think I'll manage to get more than that this time for sure.