Fast Buds American Autoflowers with A-Train

:d5: dewd, I'm salivating already! I'm dying to try all of these, and as you know, reports are great on them all! :woohoo1: I can't wait to see them get the A-T treatment-- :eyebrows: BOM-bomb!
... I'm glad you asked EoF about the dolomite :thumbsup: -even better, you're letting them react and stabilize some for a while; 4T/gal might be a bit heavy, if extra Ca-Mg is added in as well.... I would still recommend getting an Accurate 8 soil pH probe to see how the pH is affected by the dolomite against a pot without it, in order to gauge the speed and magnitude of pH elevation of the dolomite alone, w/o nute and plant affects...(run-off will still work okay, but it's PITA!)-- why guess, when you can know! Plus it'll be damn handy if there's an issue later... One interesting thing about dolomite, I think it won't force your pH beyond 7.0, even if there's too much,... but it might be difficult to lower pH if needed... I expect your mix to be on the high side of 6's pH, but we'll see,.. only things that get wonky at higher pH's, near 7.0+ is Fe and Zn; no mistaking them either, and easy to dose if it becomes an issue... better still, with Optic Foliar coming aboard now, if you have any micronute' defc. issues, the Transport will see to them very quickly!
This will be what I follow this time. I want to give Sensi a go. Slightly more expensive but I've seen undisputed results from sensi.....

Day 1 to day 10 = plain water bubbled 24 hrs

Day 10 to day 20 = 1ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / Vodoo Juice / B52

Day 20 to day 30 = 1.5ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B 1ml/L - B52 / Rhino Skin / Cal- Mag / Sensizyme / Bud Candy

Day 30 to day 35 = 1.5ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B 1ml/L - Voodoo Juice / Rhino Skin / Bud Candy

Day 35 to day 40 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B 1ml/L - Voodoo Juice / Big Bud / Cal-Mag / Bud Candy

Day 40 to day 45 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / Big Bud 1ml/L - B52 / Sensizyme / Cal-Mag / Bud Candy

Day 45 to day 60 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / Overdrive / Bud Candy / Cal-Mag 1ml/L - B52

Day 60 = full pot flush with hose 5 min...

Day 63 to finish = plain water

It's basically back down to tangs schedule. I tried a few extra things but didn't notice anything big in gains vs price so this is where I am. Keep in mind except for yhe Sensi Grow and bloom all the other AN peoducts will be changed out with Green Planet during these next few grows.
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Yeeeeeeah, you are going to like the fastbudz gear man! GSC is killer smoke! West Coast OG is killer too! Currently on the pineapple express and that is some stinky pot man! Carbon filter by week 2.5!!! Never had vegged pot stink that bad! GG in the lineup in the next cycle or two. Good lucks man and am sub'd!:pop:
Thanks for checking in fellas.

Well the GG is going on day 2. I checked the Pinapple express seed in the napkin and it had a 1/2 inch tap out of nowhere. So it was potted in its new 5 gallon home this am. It will go in the tent today when I chop the street sweeper and we will await heads up