Fast Buds American Autoflowers with A-Train

PX is 19.5 inches tall and GG 18.5

I'm hoping they will be between 25 and 30 when they stop
Ok nice. So mine are both on day 30 today and they are 10 and 16 inches. So hopefully I should be looking at 20-25 inches when they quit stretching. Get some more update pics going man! We want too see the ladies!
My GG and GSC are on day 30 are at 9 and 10 inches after I hit them with some LST to try to keep them the level of the 3 unknowns. First indoor and First autos. Started off wondering if they were going to produce anything. After the last week or so I get worried I started too may plants in my 3x3
I have only taken 2 fan leaves off each so far. But yes I defoliate when needed. And in flower to uncover but sites
One of my Dark Devils has huge fan leaves and it's a pain to get them all tucked away and get light to the secondary's. The other pheno I have is smaller but all her tops pretty much evened out on their own.
One of my Dark Devils has huge fan leaves and it's a pain to get them all tucked away and get light to the secondary's. The other pheno I have is smaller but all her tops pretty much evened out on their own.

When I get the big time busy ones especially the indicas. I always trim a ton of leaves. As long as they are healthy plants your not hurting a thing. Just go slow and steady. I never hack 50 at a time. I go 10 here and q0 there