Fast Buds American Autoflowers with A-Train

I believe so it says it is 10% Silicon dioxide derived from Potassium silicate. Usage is between 1/4 to 1 tsp. per gallon. and can be used for a foliar spray. It says it is extremely alkaline but that you should mix to water before nutes so I guess you can't use it to adjust Ph.
I've been under the impression that the bioavailable form for plants is monosilicic acid.
I've been under the impression that the bioavailable form for plants is monosilicic acid.
I don't know. I would just assume since you can use in a hydro system or spray on the foliage that the plant could take it in. But then again it would not be the first time I bought into the hype. I will be using in a soiless mix hoping I did not waste my money.
I don't know. I would just assume since you can use in a hydro system or spray on the foliage that the plant could take it in. But then again it would not be the first time I bought into the hype. I will be using in a soiless mix hoping I did not waste my money.
I didn't mean to make you think it wasn't usable. It is usable, but I believe it has to go through a binding process or reaction where it picks up the added oxygen and hydrogen atoms first. It is then ready for uptake... That process takes about a week in soil. I'm not a biologist or chemist though..
So @A-Train I calculate you are day 32 on Gorilla glue and day 29 on Pineapple Express? What is the height at this point and how much stretch do you expect? Reading the lifecycle of autos sticky its saying week 4-7 are the main stretch and you are just beginning week 5 I think. I'm doing my first autos and trying to gauge where they will be approximately in height.