Sweet Seeds Al's Dark Devil & Cream Caramel TLO

Feb 12, 2014
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With everything dried and in jars it's time to start back up again. This time I'll be doing 1 x Dark Devil and 1 x Cream Caramel. I'm using the same soil as last grow (from the same batch, not the EXACT same soil). As usual the equipment is:

160w California Lightworks Solarflare (Full Spectrum)
Secret Jardin DR60II tent
Phresh filter
Can Fan 4" High Ouput fan
Vick's cool mist humidifier (although I need to get with Tang, I saw where he said with LEDs you only need 40-50% RH the entire grow)
Compost Teas & lots of Cal Mag

This time I'll be folding in 1 Tbsp/gallon of dolomite lime into the soil and also using epsom salt in the occasional watering to nip the Cal/Mag deficiency in the bud!

The seeds will be dropped into a shot glass tomorrow morning so I anticipate them going in the soil on Saturday or Sunday.
The beans went into their shot glasses. Tonight I'll pull them out and put them in wet paper towels for a day to get a nice tap root.

Woohoo - front row seat for 2 of my favourite strains! Can´t wait to watch this one mate!
Yeah, Yeah! :)

It's on like Donkey Kong!
With a few tweaks I'm hoping this is my best grow yet. Thanks for tuning in guys.
Subd only can improve from the last itll be hard they were nice but lets see it A.E
Pots are filled and the tent is warming them up. The seeds have been moved to paper towels inside of a plate sandwich. They should go in the ground tomorrow, woohoo!
The Dark Devil showed a good tap root so I planted her this morning. The Cream Caramel shows no signs of cracking open yet so she'll stay in the paper towels for at least today.
The Cream Caramel showed her tap root this morning so she's in the ground.
Today is officially Day 1 as both are above ground (the CC is a tiny bit behind as it hasn't quite spread open yet). I'll snap a pic of the cute little buggers later.