Mephisto Genetics ALL MEPHISTO ALL DAY!


Closet Cannabis GodFather
Jan 24, 2017
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Loved mine & my bro's 1st run ever, let alone Mephisto, so much that we've decided to do it again. this time i will be running 2 sour stompers, 2 sky stompers, & 2 hiesenberg specials in fabric 3 gal pots. Bottom third of pots are ff ocean forest with added perlite, worm castings, & GBD super soil. Top 2/3's, as well as the soil in the solo cups are ff happy frog with added perlite & worm castings. We will be running a variety of nutes this run as well. I will be top dressing with worm castings every other feed after week 2 or 3 until flowering. some of the nutes we are gonna try are great white mycorrhizae, Terpinator, as well as General Organics bio root & bio bud. We also already have a jug of Mammoth P, earth juice cal mag, & a variety of fox farm liquid nutes. The lights are 2 T12's, 2 Roleadro LED's & a Kings plus led. The 3 LED's pull approx 190 watts at the wall each. Lights will be on 21 off 3 during veg & 18 on 6 of during flowering. All in a 4X4 tent crammed in my bedroom closet.
Here's a shot of the new ladies just planted about 2 hrs ago. I forgot to mention i prefer to germ straight in the soil.
Be careful with that top dressing of castings.. Could end up with a lot of N since it takes a few weeks for it to break down. Happy gardening bro!
I found it. I'm in.
Let's keep this shiz rocking brother! We doing our thang. Super stoked and I hear you might be adding a skunk in the garden. ? And possibly a trellis for a scrog run? Let me know and we can do it! I'm pumped
So the bigger pot in the middle is actually not part of this grow log just to be clear. It is actually a freebie seed my bro won from blk seeds. It is a Super Skunk, & it has not breached the soil yet. So with that said the 2 in the front are skystomper. The 2 middle are heisenberg special. & the 2 in the back are sourstomper. The sky & sours breached soil 5 days ago, 1 of the hiesenberg broke soil 4 days ago, & the other heisenberg broke soil 2 days ago.