Indoor All Meph Pyramid Grow

Jul 5, 2024
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Hi all. First post. Been lurking for a year reading all the pyramid grows. Figured time to post. I apologize for poor pics Im not much of a photographer. This is my second attempt. First attempt was a worthwhile learning experience while a dismal failure yield wise lol. So hopefully apply lessons learned from first grow and really start to dial in.

Long time veggie gardener and the pyramids intrigued me. Looking to grow clean medicine for myself where I know its provenance. Dispo stuff is like roulette and who knows what corners were cut. Anyways was looking to try something besides soil.

This is my second grow with the large pyramids. My first with the mini's. Yes I know the cube system isn't for the mini but I just wanted to try. I didn't use them on my first grow. So now using them on all

2x4 ac infinity tent
AC EVO 3 light @ 24hrs
DLI approximately 17 ppfd 200
VPD -- it varies but I follow pretty close the AF VPD chart
AC 6" exhaust
2-3 6" rotating fans
FF Trio + Cal Mag

Everything is a Meph bean
back row left to right
Sour Stomper D8
Forum Stomper D9
Toof Decay D9
Strawberry Nug x BX Livers D6

Pyramids were drying up so decided to give all four a drink. Gave them a drink of 1/4 strength FF trio, full dose of Cal/Mag. EC 380 pH'd to 6.2. Water is city and comes in low. Had issues last grow till I added in Cal/Mag.

Temps range from 72-82ish. Right now RH is 70-75%.

Its cool to watch the girls air prune roots on the pyramids. Check out the tap root pic its the FS. it FS is a strong and vigorous one. The SNxBX Livers was a late add. Was supposed to be Jammy Dodgers but the bean never germed and upon inspection seed was a dud. So a quick pivot and here we are.

Plan is to top the two girls in the big pyramids, at the 4th node around D21. Mild LST with wire and clips. The little pyramids I don't think I am going to top just LST. Who knows the plan may change. Will have to see how they grow out.

My grow goal for this tent is 10 zips. Anything over 12 will be a smashing success. So can't wait to see how this plays out.



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Thanks kfigerm. Big fan of your pyramid threads. And all the pyramid threads posted for that matter.

Really excited about this round. I learned a lot from my first attempt. Hopefully correct the mistakes and keep dialing in the environment.

Updates to follow.
Hi all an update on the pyramids.
Forum Stomper d14, DLI 22
Toof Decay d14, DLI 18
Sour Stomper d13, DLI 20
Strawberry Nug x BX Livers d11 DLI 16

Lights on 24/0

Fed FF Trio at week two at 1/2 strength to run off. Also added 5ml/gallon of Cal/Mag. EC 520 fed at pH 6.2

Temp avg 78.5
RH avg 73.1

I am letting the plants grow into the light. DLI is on the higher end for the stage of growth. So I won't worry about it too much.

I feel like I am really dialing in the environment. Now lets see on the ferts. Going heavier on ferts quicker this grow. I have read the pyramids help buffer ferts. Plan is next week to raise EC from 520 to 700-750. If I see nute burn I will flush them.

Anyways some pics. Enjoy.


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Really smooth so far.Couple questions on the XL's.How often do you water and what's the volume till runoff? Thanks.
It takes me just under 1/2 gallon to get run off. I pour it all over the sides and let it soak in. Then take it off riser and let it soak up all the run off. When it stops taking up water from bottom back on riser and it will drip off.
I need to find some better sized bins to sit them in. Looking for square bins. I have spent more money on different bins. I am thinking of getting a bag of pea gravel for the bottom of the bins. Like 3" deep. Set pyramid on it and let roots grow down to runoff. Just an idea kicking around.
Do that pebble stuff! You will be rewarded!
I learned that little more root space gives great plants! if you are limited with height, then don't.

Looks like a good start. If you keep your schedule on the bigger ones i guess you'll soon have a lack, with fanleaves developed go 1200-1400.
In the beginning the salts on the pyramids are not fixed and too hot, so the roots shoot out of the pyramids and can take some excess when needed, as long the surface stays moist.
You will eventually also feed more often [the more you feed the lower the EC]. I watch for the cubes not to dry out so much.
I think of a pyramid as if it was a well aereated dwc container oder a hempy - that's my origins of indoor growing. You just don't have to care about all the stuff that can go wrong in those setups.
In growth/stretch feed 2-3 times a day. Later in bloom just twice.
Watch especially the lower fanleaves :cools:for lack and you'll find your way.
Thanks Kfi. Good to know the science behind the pyramid. I was letting the pyramid surface dry before I watered. Dry on outside but if you lifted up you could feel water weight.
I think I will have a go with a pebble substrate. I don't like leaving water on the bottom of the container. And it is a hassle to drain all the runoff. So thinking a 2-3" bed and sit pyramid directly on it. More to follow in that.
Plan is to top all four. Just topped FS at 4th node today d16. SS looks like another day or two before its topped. Just want to let the 4th node develop a little more before cutting.
A few pics...



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