New Grower Alittle help from my friends

Sep 23, 2014
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I have 1 auto at about 40 days and 4 photos vegging about 14 days. When I potted the photos I was alittle short on soil mix so I added some old potting soil I had in my garage. Probably 10% of my total soil. Well now I have gnats. I need to transplant my photos so I will do that and hopefully that will get them out of there. Any thoughts or ideas how to get rid of them? There are not to many but I worry they will jump over to my auto. The only reason I planted them is that I had a bunch of freebie photo seeds. Damn photos!
I have been researching gnats this morning. It seems a lot of people use diluted hydrogen peroxide to get rid of them. Has anyone here tried this method?
That'll is to keep yer soil drier..the breed in moist soil.
Placing sand as a top layer on the plants works, although the sand will cake up and you'll have to move it around before each watering a bit of a hassle. Demacaeuos earth or however it's spelt works great for me but if youre in flowering there's a chance of the de getting caught inside the bud so that's no good.if it isn't too many buy some fly paper cut it into pieces and place it on toothpicks and place the toothpicks in the pot, kinda like flytraps