NEWS Alaska MJ Legalization Update

I hadn't seen this thread. Am I off base with the following: on the surface, when the voting ballot came up, it was to "regulate" marijuana. As you know, in Alaska, it had already been decriminalized. You could grow up to 24 plants in your own house (wasn't that it?), and smoke in your own house. When I saw "regulate," I wasn't thrilled because that meant the government would get their hand in it, and that's ALWAYS a mess. So here we are, it's legal on the 24th, but now we can only grow 6 plants, I think no more than 3 or 4 in flower, and an ounce in your home. So we are now MORE limited in some ways, right? However, we can now transport up to an ounce, give away an ounce, transport 6 plants and give plants to friends. Still, aren't we in some ways more limited, as far as being a home grower for recreational use?
I hope we Alaskans stay involved and get these regulations set in place so the prohibition folks don't get the opportunity to push there agenda on the rest of us who, by majority vote approved the use of Cannabis within our state. We need to have responsible and reasonable regulation to show the rest of the country that cannabis should not be classed as an illegal narcotic. That it is a plant of many uses and can benefit both people and the National economy. AKsteel
Yes Alaskan1 I do agree to a certain degree. I think the ravin law can be up held, with a court battle. Also if enuff states legalized i want to think the feds will have to reschedule.
I hope the legislators follow the ballot measure as it was written "To regulate marijuana like alcohol" and there is no limit on alcohol in your home so should be the same with cannabis,I can live with six plants but not limits on what I have in my home.

I think it would be cool if they let the small time guys sell any extra they grow at farmers markets and fairs I don't see the harm in that.

As far as the medical card I am Leary of putting my name the government list looks like the medical patient's will be getting to finally buy meds the same time as the recreational guys get it .
Thanks Bri!
Looked pretty good from the brief article. I did not look much past that. Like the thought on removing from the Schedule and treating like alcohol makes sense. Hope they don't carry the permit thing too far for personal consumption growing!
Good luck, keep the info coming!
Thanks Briman for the update. I don't watch the news so you posting here is very helpful.