NEWS Alaska MJ Legalization Update

Dec 20, 2012
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Hello all, it is soon to be legal in the state of Alaska, for personal possession and recreational use of cannabis. Same laws apply here as alcohol, no to be consumed in public. You will be aloud to have up to one ounce of dried bud on your person, without reprieve.

The legalization goes into effect on Feb 24, 2015

Then, the Alcohol Control Board will have 9 months after Feb 24, 2015 to have the regulations in place.

I'll keep you updated as things go forward.:peace:
Finally..... They tryed to charge me because my card had expired by a little bit. I went to court and they offered a deal..... a fine. You should have seen there face when i said i wanted a trial. They couldnt believe it. Needless to say they droped the charges.

I find it funny or sad all the hub bub there is about it. U would think the skys falling, not like its been basically legal for years any way.
I prefer the word "Legal" over the word "decriminalized". It will be interesting to see what will happen socially and economically within the state and what exactly the laws are going to be regarding growing personal or growing commercial. Lots of questions still to be answered. Exciting times
I certainly would. If the Alcohol control board can't get it together and get some laws passed, It could be repealed by the legislature, but it would take 2 years to do so on Feb 24, 1017. Here is the article. So HELL YES(not yelling) I would certainly re-up your med card. It's a couple hundred bucks for piece of mind AND you would be grandfathered in!