Live Stoners Alaska LEGAL commercial grow room design!!

I have to see what they future would be nice. I honestly don't know bro about set up but I'd have a big grow space with side rooms for cloning,breeding. I'd split the big grow space in 2 for veg and flowering rooms and have a door between the two. So I'd split it into 4 main spaces 2 big rooms 2 smaller rooms. But idk anything about environmental control or Co2 I'm just thinking out loud maybe give u an
Here is what I'd do, I would use a mix of led and dual arc hps(papillon) in veg and flower. You get the dual spectrums and the heat needed to run co2 and run the op in the winter time, without a high heat cost in winter too. Summer, you could have have an outdoor op out back and run led in the summer and not worry about heat. best of both worlds. Alaska's temp range can be dramatic and problematic at best. All summer, it can go mid 50's at night and 80-85 during the day. Not sure what the laws will be. They aren't even taking licensing applications for 8 more months for ANY business. We will have to see where it all falls into place. Best thing to do is get your finances and backing in line so when they figure it out, you can move....Quick! First few out of the gate will corner the market!:thumbs:

im sitting here trying to figure out the stupidity in not even allow applications to be filled out til July or August. WTF is that? How are they gonna say it's officailly legal recreationally in February but there is no where to buy the shit??? Then you have to wait 6 months before you even get a retail shop? That's crazy. Very disappointed in that logic.
How did you know that about them not accepting apps for producers Briman?
I have to see what they future would be nice. I honestly don't know bro about set up but I'd have a big grow space with side rooms for cloning,breeding. I'd split the big grow space in 2 for veg and flowering rooms and have a door between the two. So I'd split it into 4 main spaces 2 big rooms 2 smaller rooms. But idk anything about environmental control or Co2 I'm just thinking out loud maybe give u an

Oh yea I got all that. I'm more worried about the flower room. Veg and clones and breeding will be away from the flowering room. Don't want pollen anywhere near my flowers.
im sitting here trying to figure out the stupidity in not even allow applications to be filled out til July or August. WTF is that? How are they gonna say it's officailly legal recreationally in February but there is no where to buy the shit??? Then you have to wait 6 months before you even get a retail shop? That's crazy. Very disappointed in that logic.
How did you know that about them not accepting apps for producers Briman?

Shortly after the vote pssed, there was a article in the paper stating the panel would'nt have the laws up for 9 months and they would not even take applications for commercial growing or dispensaries for 9 months or longer, depending how the laws were written and how many pants you could grow, so that tells me it will be by plant count. They will eventually have a panel to suggest to the state panel to have the referals about how the laws are written. Trust me on this, they will be written to benefit the state and not make the common man able to make a ton of money off it. Besides, we have more canna movement in the black market per capita, than most states and I foresee it only driving the retail side of things up. I have a great job with great benefits, so I wont be heading into the canna field anytime soon, but may invest in it some. Keep an eye on the paper and watch for clubs and panels popping up soon and there will be a ton of info coming out. The state will certainly get their slice of the pie first. Have a few friends that woirk in the llegal field and they both say the same thing. They state will get rich before they let the money go to the growers or retail shops.
Shortly after the vote pssed, there was a article in the paper stating the panel would'nt have the laws up for 9 months and they would not even take applications for commercial growing or dispensaries for 9 months or longer, depending how the laws were written and how many pants you could grow, so that tells me it will be by plant count. They will eventually have a panel to suggest to the state panel to have the referals about how the laws are written. Trust me on this, they will be written to benefit the state and not make the common man able to make a ton of money off it. Besides, we have more canna movement in the black market per capita, than most states and I foresee it only driving the retail side of things up. I have a great job with great benefits, so I wont be heading into the canna field anytime soon, but may invest in it some. Keep an eye on the paper and watch for clubs and panels popping up soon and there will be a ton of info coming out. The state will certainly get their slice of the pie first. Have a few friends that woirk in the llegal field and they both say the same thing. They state will get rich before they let the money go to the growers or retail shops.

Oh I agree. I knew about the panel and having 9 months but didn't know about not applying. They also have a real stupid tax code 280E that is killing the recreational profit. A lot of people getting hit by back taxes from the IRS.
Harborside in Cali is one and another in Colorado. Back tax between $800,000 and $2.6 million! Crazy. It came into effect around 1982 during the Reagan Admin. Makes the recreational side pay like 50 % tax, where medical shops only pay like 20% (give or take). But the medical bud is normally more expensive than rec pot.


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Lots of people questioning the LED lighting choice! Didn't see that coming. lol
dont worry folks I got lots of calmag! Hahaha
Oh I agree. I knew about the panel and having 9 months but didn't know about not applying. They also have a real stupid tax code 280E that is killing the recreational profit. A lot of people getting hit by back taxes from the IRS.
Harborside in Cali is one and another in Colorado. Back tax between $800,000 and $2.6 million! Crazy. It came into effect around 1982 during the Reagan Admin. Makes the recreational side pay like 50 % tax, where medical shops only pay like 20% (give or take). But the medical bud is normally more expensive than rec pot.

Another reason I'm not going in on it. It will be too new here. Plus with the onset of feds shutting you down too. Heard it has happened in Colorado and Washington and there is no real way to fight it, even with a good lawyer. No, I'll grow for myself and family. Too many people are going to jump the gun and loose out. Besides, I enjoy growing and if it was something I HAD to get up and go do every day, it would get to the point where it was for profit, it would loose it's luster, fast for me. I love my job and love my simple growing. You watch, it will be just like Colorado, everyone jumping the gun, opening a dispensary and 2 months in, nobody has the supply for the dispensaries and folks will loose everything they have. Not saying it can't be done, the right way, but Alaska is genuinely unique with the flash in the pan businesses and todays fad is tomorrows bankruptcy. We have a small population compared to lower 48 and it is spread out all over the state. There are alot of native villages where their tribal laws reign supreme over state and federal laws and most villages are "dry" meaning NO alcohol and drugs of any kind. The whole population of Anchorage is only 301,000. The whole state is under 740,000 and 49% of those people voted NO to legalize that turned out to vote. It was an ongoing joke in the News paper, that said there were more people in their 20's that registered just so it would pass. So even if the Math is slighted, Anchorage as a whole would only see maybe 100,000 people using for recreation/medical, the rest dont or wont use and the other 1/2 of the state is in a dry state. I have personally, seen too many businesses come and go to know, only a select few will survive. With any business, the deeper the pockets, the longer it runs. NOT wanting to put anyone off from investing and running businesses here, but one had better have done a ton of homework and know people that know people. Politically speaking of course. If it is done the right way, with some good financial backing, while owning the dispensary TOO, you could make a go of it, but like I said, better know a few people in the right places. But hey, the laws arent even written yet!?!?
I have grown partial to Ocean Solutions Fertilizers.

I find i can grow in soil, or hydroponically with little loss of nutes.

I have been growing terrarium/vermicomposting style for the last 2 years, and find that it is the most beneficial to me.
My system doesn't require commercial nutrients, and though a tedious setup is required, it has become an almost foolproof and hands off method of cropping for me. The best part is that i can reuse the soil.

I will share how this is done soon, if there is enough interest, and will give setup details for the system.