Update Day 4 of new grow
So here we go. Day 4 and all looks really good. I will run down some equipment for this second attempt at DWC.
Strain: Mephisto HBSS
Netpot: 6" modified netpot lid
Reservoir: 5 gallon black bucket
Air pump: GH dual diaphragm 320gph
Air stone: 2× 4" blue round stones
Media: Grow Stone
Light: Mars 2 400w LED
Tent: 2'×2.5'×7' gorilla grow tent
Ventilation: 4" intake fan & 4" vent fan w/phresh carbon filter
Water: R/O water
Nutrients: Mills A&B, Mills Start-R, Mills C-4, Mills Ultimate PK.
Germination: Ronins Root Riot Method.
Misc: 4" rockwool
So to start this grow I began my germination and at the same time I bleached and cleaned all my equipment. I then set up my Reservoir with quarter strength nutrients (mills a&b and start-r). I set my PH at 5.6 and my PPM=280. Over the 3 days it took for the HBSS to pop up I monitored the res ph and ppm every 12 hours. I had very little ph or ppm fluctuations. In the three days of germination the ph climbed from 5.6 to 6.4. That is a great improvement from using my tap water. Also the ppm stayed at 280-286.
The day the HBSS popped up I inserted the root riot cube into a 4" block of rockwool and set it in my modified net pot (I will post pics of what I did with the net pot). The reason for the modified pot was to give easier access for the tap root to reach the reservoir. I can't remember who helped me with the idea but it was posted earlier in this thread and I am being lazy. But thanks for the idea.
So now its been 4 days in the bucket and things are looking really good. I have only had to adjust my ph down once in 4 days and that is way better than before. I can see roots coming down the channel through the bottom of the rockwool and the second set of real leaves are starting to come out. Right now the PH is sitting solid at 5.9 and PPM=286. Thank all of you for your ideas and support. I truly appreciate this community and what we all do for one another.
Time for some pics
Modified Net Pot